[8] Taking Responsibility

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You ran as fast as you could. You couldn't think of a way Shouji would get to the missile without passing by you, but you had a hunch that he was already there.

You reached the missile room within a minute to see Shouji burst through a window.

It was like an unpleasant wave of cold water quickly splashed over your chest and your eyes.

Shouji climbed up the building.

Kouda screamed, thrusting his bloodied hands forward as he screwed his eyes shut.

Knuckles already bloody from punching through glass, Shouji used open palms to swat away the attacking doves as gently as he could.

The birds had entered via a broken window directly opposite to the one Shouji entered through. It appeared Kouda had punched a window as well.

You remained in the doorway, unsure of what to do. Shouji was already busy fending off fat little doves and Kouda was fearfully hiding his face.

"Kouda." You ran towards the missile, skidding to a stop in front of it. "We need to work together."

Jolting out of what looked like a panic attack, Kouda nodded rapid-fire and joined your side. His teeth chattered as if he was cold.

With minor scratches on his arms, Shouji decided to disregard the doves and head straight for the missile. The birds cooed as they flew after him, but he stretched his third pair of arms back to keep them at bay.

You thrust out your right arm, Kouda and Shouji's eyes following your movement. "Incinerate."

Shouji leapt to his right to dodge and one of the doves on his tail were hit instead.

Both he and Kouda froze with horror, eyes growing wide as they watched the poor bird fall to the floor. It was charred and on fire at the same time.

The rest of the doves cooed in alarm before flying out Shouji's window.

You'd killed it instantly.

Stiff, you lowered your arm back to your side. "Have you given up?"

The two boys didn't know you were talking about how they froze-- previously, Yaoyorozu insinuated that you'd given up by your lack of action, so you only reflected her words.

Slowly craning his neck towards you, Shouji cautiously murmured, "Is that a threat? ..You've sure adapted to the exercise well."

The boy gulped inaudibly, sweat trickling down his temple as he eyed your right arm. His narrow eyes were filled with suspicion, noticing your lack of reaction to killing an animal.

If your heat could kill a bird that easily, then what were the effects on human flesh?

And why did you lack any remorse?

Kouda could only croak as he kept his terrified gaze on his poor bird friend.

He rushed forward, kneeling down and taking the body into his gentle hold. Tears pricked his eyes as he quickly blew the flames out.

He held the bird close to him, head bowed and back hunched.

"Your lack of movement implies you have given up, according to Yaoyorozu." You referenced her, completely unaware as to why the other boys stopped. "Why have you ceased movement?"

"..Because you killed it. The bird— it's dead." Shouji's eyes softened as he turned to Kouda, the boy still grieving.

You kept your eyes on Kouda, interested.

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