[61] One Day

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It was chaos.

Examinees were desperately trying to continue rescue operations. In the near distance, Gang Orca's henchmen approached.

The three most destructive examinees– Todoroki, Inasa, and Bakugou– were facing off against Gang Orca.

Judging from the nasty looks on Todoroki and Inasa's faces, they were arguing.

Bakugou did not give a flying fuck. He lunged at Gang Orca as soon as he saw an opening.

Meanwhile, the other two bozos kept arguing.

You tilted your head.

Why are they ignoring the enemy?

No matter. You had your own job to worry about.

Your current location was the roof of a half-destroyed building. You had looked around for a fairly safe and secluded perch.

You laid flat on your stomach.

Your instincts were telling you to go help with evacuation, but Kirishima wanted you to fight.

You would trust Midoriya, Ojiro, Ashido, and your other classmates to ward off the henchmen.

From here, you thought, pointing at Gang Orca with your finger.

Fighting alongside Bakugou meant recoiling from his explosions. Even with your armor, the sheer force of Bakugou's explosions were no joke.

And so you would fight from here.

The tip of your pointer finger opened up. Your right pupil dilated to zoom in on your target.

Gang Orca was in your sights.

Right now, your pose– belly down and breathing minimal– mimicked the sniper girl to a T. The one you'd shot in the thigh.

You were capable of terrifyingly accurate mimicry. Except when it came to facial expressions. Poor thing.

Gang Orca moved incredibly fast.

He was dodging and deflecting Bakugou's attacks. Bakugou's attacks.

At the same time, Gang Orca kept a watchful eye on Todoroki and Inasa. Those two were fussing over their conflicting Quirks.

In turn, you never took your attention off Gang Orca for even a moment.

He wasn't one to be messed with.

You were waiting for the right time. Your finger pulsed with heat waiting to shoot out.

Your opportunity came.

Bakugou threw a right hook. Gang Orca dodged backwards with an ironically delicate tap of his foot.

There it was: the split second that Gang Orca had his attention entirely on Bakugou.

You fired.

Gang Orca made eye contact with you.

You'd missed.

It wasn't a matter of aim. Your artificial eyesight, the steadiness of your hand, the lack of blood coursing through your arm all contributed to your perfect sniping.

Gang Orca was just a little faster.

Beady eyes narrowed with interest. "Oh?"

You froze.

Down below, the other boys followed Gang Orca's gaze.

Bakugou's sinister grin grew wider.

Todoroki breathed out your surname.

In Her Name [BNHA x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now