[11] Little Soldier Boy

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Leaves from the vine..

falling so slow.

Like fragile, tiny shells..

drifting in the foam.

Melissa hummed this nostalgic tune to herself as she worked on her latest project. Her fellow classmates bustled around her, gathering materials before settling themselves at their own stations.

Her ocean eyes were downcast, and although she was quite focused on her work, her gaze still held a peculiar distance to it.

I wonder how [Name]'s doing..

He's too impressionable. I can only hope everyone around him is good.

Does he have friends? I can't say till he confirms it himself..

He doesn't even understand what it means to be my best friend. I worry he'll push everyone away..

That's what he did before the coma, after all.

"Melissa? Melissaaa."

The blonde's eyes became crystal clear in response to her friend's call.

Turning her head over her shoulder with a smile, Melissa asked, "Yes?"

"Can I borrow that?" A finger pointed to one of Melissa's tools. "It'll only be for a second."

"Sure!" With that, the blonde returned to refining her project. Her pink lips pressed themselves together in concentration.

Little soldier boy..

come marching home.

Brave soldier boy..

comes marching home.

A soft sigh left her lips.

What're you doing right now, [Name]..?

                                                                                        [ ]

"Huddle up and don't move!" Aizawa urgently called over his shoulder as he faced the growing mist, villain upon villain emerging after the man with the hands.

It was needless to say that the hand man looked terrifying as he clawed his way out the warp gate, cherry eyes wide with intentions clear and pale hands plastered all over his lanky body.

Aizawa protectively swiped an arm in front of his bewildered students. "Thirteen! Protect the students!"

"Huh..?" was what most of you murmured at the sight of these strangers.

Kirishima squinted, a hand over his brow. "The heck's that!? More battle bots—? like during the training exam?"

You defensively opened your palms as they hung by your sides.

Your face completely blank, you replied, "Those are not robots."

"Don't move!" Aizawa's tone was so serious it would've scared you if you could feel fear. Slipping his goggles on, he barked, "Those are villains!!"

Your jaw became stiff.


This was your first time seeing any up close and personal, and boy did you not like it one bit. Not even on your morning commute did you see villains so close. They flooded out of the mist, ill intent clear.

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