[16] Burn

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Rings of bright [e/c] met dull indigo ones.

You stared at his scheming smile that didn't reach his eyes; the one he seemed to wear half the time you knew him.

"Not greeting me back? It's not like I'm gonna brainwash you." As Shinsou said that, there were exactly three blank-eyed individuals spread out behind him— Aoyama, Ojirou and a student from 1-B. Given you'd never seen yourself in the mirror while you were brainwashed, you couldn't tell they were under Shinsou's spell.

"Hey." You blinked upon seeing that you were still in control of your body.

"You wanna help me, don't you?" Shinsou held out a hand and tilted his head. "You can help me by joining my team."

After your eyes looked around only to see everyone was already in a team, your feet began to fidget. "Kaminari says I shouldn't talk to you.."

What were you saying? It wasn't like you had a choice—

"What choice do you have?" Shinsou grinned as he caught sight of your feet. "Consider this allowing you to help me."

You slowly made eye contact again. "..Okay."

"Now, to form a strategy.." He hummed as he turned around to face the rest of your team.

From afar, Kaminari gulped upon seeing you walk forward to stand next to Shinsou. "Are you kidding me..? I told him to stay away from that guy!"

Iida narrowed his eyes and adjusted his glasses. "It can't be helped. I suppose he's been brainwashed, and I don't think any of us know how to break it."

Yaoyorozu put a hand near her lips. "As concerned as I am, there's something else we— no, everyone here has to worry about."

Todoroki moved his glaring eyes from you to Yaoyorozu. "What is it?"

"His range and destructive power." Yaoyorozu's soft lips thinned into a line. "Remember when he incapacitated the rear by burning them all? Although we're not allowed to break others' formations, he can very well do just that while under Shinsou's control."

Iida held a finger up. "It is also a very good tool to manipulate other teams to go where Shinsou wants them to."

"..How does he brainwash people?"

Everyone turned to Todoroki and then Kaminari.

The blond's brows furrowed. "I actually don't know.. I never actually bothered looking into it."

Todoroki clicked his teeth with dismay.

It was admittedly awkward trying to form a horse with five people.

After much trial and error, this was the final formation:

You as the rider to ensure your arms had a free range of movement.

Aoyama in the very front.

Shinsou as the left flank.

Shoda right flank.

Ojirou in the very back, his hands on the flanks' backs to pass as a formation.

Shinsou grinned like the Cheshire cat. "If they want our headband, they'll have to take off your helmet."

The headband, worth quite the amount seeing as you placed fourth, was around your neck.

"Even then, they'll be reluctant to try and grab it." His face relaxed as he chuckled to himself. "It's either stay away or get burned. Right, [L/n]?"

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