[38] Can You Die Today?

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 A knock on the bathroom door snapped you out of your stupor.

"[Name]? What would you like to eat?"

You opened the door to face Sam. "I would like to eat pancakes."

"Ah-ah-ah." As he walked back to the kitchen, he lectured you. "David asked if you were staying healthy, you know. I'll make you something else."

You felt a vague sense of disappointment wash over you.

What you ended up eating was an Italian salad with a chicken pesto sandwich.

"David will be here soon," said Sam as he opened the front door. He looked back at you. "Eat up, alright? And no secret pancakes."

You nodded. "Yes, Sam."

Once he was gone, you stared wistfully at the stove from across the kitchen island.

No secret pancakes.

As you continued to gaze at the stove, you pondered what David could have in store for you.

An hour passed before the door opened with a jingle.

"[Name]?" David peeked inside. You weren't at the kitchen island.

He must be in his room. David came in, closed the door, and made his way there.

To his surprise, you weren't in your room. However, he did notice that one of the carefully-placed photos was crooked as if you'd taken it off the wall and clumsily put it back.

His eyes softened.

David had to remember you were different now. The old [Name] loved being alone in his room. As for the current [Name]...

He checked the backyard and there you were, sitting on one of the white lawn chairs. David laughed a little when you turned around in slight alarm.

"Hi." The man sent you an awkward smile as he took the seat next to you. "Did you wait long?"

You recalled that Sam said David would be here soon, but in actuality, it'd been an hour. "Yes."

David rubbed his neck. "Ah, sorry." He sighed. "Have you eaten?"


He looked at you with unreadable eyes as you answered.

You were so...different.

But you were still you and your parents' beloved son.

"Do you like what you're doing at school? Any hobbies I don't know about?" David adjusted the chair so that it faced you diagonally. Asking you these questions was difficult because he never had to ask Melissa them as she shared his interests. And also because you didn't have the same hobbies anymore.

You thought about it for a second. "Yes, I approve of the school activities. And I have been learning Japanese sign language." Koda's indirect influence.

"Japanese...sign language."

Picking up on David's strangely quiet tone, you blinked. "Yes?"

hiros parents: boyyoass why i had die over some macnuggets

He smiled sadly and his eyes crinkled in response. "You used to teach yourself English sign language saying you wanted to be able to communicate with everyone."

You paused.

How do I respond to this?

A few more seconds passed before you replied. "Yes, I used to. If I return to the United States to work as a Hero, I will learn English sign language as well."

In Her Name [BNHA x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now