[44] Seeing Red

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"You've never gone to the hot springs before, [L/n]?"

At Kaminari's question, you shook your head.

Dinner had ended well. Now it was time to shower and then go for a soak in the hot springs.

"Okay, so basically," Kaminari explained, handing you a towel from one of the cubbies, "we all scrub ourselves clean first before getting into the springs. We all shower and bathe in the same area. You okay with that?"

You took the towel from him. "I am okay with that."

"Cool." Kaminari glanced at the braid trailing down your back. "You need help washing that?"

"I do not think so." You procured a pair of latex gloves from your pant pocket. "I will wear these to prevent my hair from tangling my joints."

"Have you just been carrying those around this whole time...?"

The water in the shower room ran a disgusting brown with the dirt collected from the forest trip.

You were the last to finish. Aoyama had so graciously helped unlodge the little rocks in your hair. He wrung it dry and tied it into a limp mass on top of your head.

"Thank you."

"De rien."

Kaminari squinted at you from the doorway. "So you did need help."

"Don't be jealous, Kaminari!" Aoyama ran a hand through his hair. "Hair luxurious as his simply requires an extra pair of hands to manage."

"I'm not--! Why would I be jealous?"

"Ask your heart what your eyes cannot answer."

As you stood up from the stool, you grabbed the towel that'd been laying on your thighs and wrapped it around your hips. You turned to face Kaminari. "Did I wrap it correctly?"

Kaminari raised a brow at Aoyama before looking at your towel. "Yeah, you got it. Let's go."

Turning to walk outside, Kaminari tried not to think about your upper body. You weren't a beef cake by any means, rather you were more on the lean side, but the weight of your arms did wonders for your chest and shoulders.

You paused at the edge of the spring to check out your surroundings. Smooth gray rocks lined the springs, bonsai trees occupied one corner, and a high wall sectioned the boys' springs from the girls' springs. It was also very warm. You could feel even more moisture forming on your skin.

"Don't be shy!" Kirishima cheerfully beckoned you, his head peeking over the water. "Get in! It feels real nice!"

"I am being shy?" you asked. You lowered yourself into the water and set your towel on top of your head.

"A little? It's just an expression." Kirishima swam over to you. He settled next to you, sinking back into the water.

Copying him, you sank down as well. You held your breath as the warm water lapped at your nose bridge. You closed your eyes.

Tokoyami opened one eye to address you. "Don't forget to come up. The water just might swallow you whole."

Your left eye opened, landing on Tokoyami. The other one opened when you lifted your head above the water. Tokoyami internally shuddered at how much control you had over your eyelids.

"The water has a mouth?"

Sometimes Tokoyami wished you had as much control over your mouth as you did over your eyelids. "No, it does not."

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