[64] Summertime Shenanigans

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You heard approaching footsteps and turned to look over the couch.

It was a few of the girls.

They were led by a smiling Ashido. "What's up?"

Among the boys, an unspoken vow was made:

Don't tell the girls about what Bakugou did, and especially not what Kaminari did.

"Eh, nothing much." Kaminari was lying out of his ass. "What've you ladies been up to?"

Ashido's answer was to make grabby hands at Yaoyorozu.

Yaoyorozu chuckled. She handed over her unlocked phone.

"Thanks!" Ashido swiftly navigated to the LINE app.

Then, practically bouncing in excitement, she presented the screen to the rest of you. "The last festival of the summer break is on Sunday, and 1-B is inviting us on their trip!"

The text was from Kendo. Apparently, Vlad King would be chaperoning.

Excited chatter filled the room.

You turned to Midoriya. "What is a festival?"

"It's a big celebration. It's outdoors, and there's all sorts of activities." As Midoriya listed each one, he put up a finger. "There are food stalls, game booths, clothing vendors, and lots more!"

You were focused solely on the food part. "What kinds of food are sold at festivals?"

Midoriya smiled. He knew you'd ask that. With a tap on his knee, he looked up and said, "Let's see... Okonomiyaki, yakisoba, takoyaki, yakitori..."

You blinked. "Yaki."

"Haha, yeah, there's a lot of fried things. Other than those, there's also sweet things, like, um... taiyaki, shaved ice, and sweet potatoes."

"Fried fish is sweet?"

"Oh, no, it's not an actual fish! It's fried batter with a sweet filling inside."

You perked up. "What kind of batter?"

The movement didn't go unnoticed. Eager to please you, Midoriya whipped out his phone. "I'll look it up!"

"Okay." Briefly, you began idly kicking your feet.

"I found it!" Midoriya showed you his screen. "It's made of pancake batter!"

Your eyes grew round. "Pancake."

A human vacuum, you had eaten many baked goods by this point, but pancakes were still your favorite.

Midoriya giggled.

You were endearingly simple.

"What do you all think?"

The chatter died down as everyone's eyes fell on Yaoyorozu.

She frowned a bit. "Personally, I find this too last minute. The next semester is starting soon, after all..."

There were some faint murmurs of agreement. Today was Friday, meaning there was only one full day till the festival.

"But Yaomomo!" whined Ashido. She bust out her best doggy eyes and threw herself around Yaoyorozu's leg. "We haven't had any fun all summer!"

Hagakure joined in on Yaoyorozu's other leg. "Yeah! It's either been training or fighting for our lives, no in between!"

Good point.

Nonetheless, Yaoyorozu remained stalwart. "I apologize. As much as I would like to–"

"Aw, come on, Yaomomo!" Kaminari was begging on his knees.

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