[69] Heroes' Beloved

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[A/N]: I just realized that any video or image links I have included within the original chapters have just... not shown up at all. The text does not show up. I apologize for the confusion and hopefully I can find all of the blank spaces.

The video ended.

You stood there, lost in thought.


You remembered the last time you told someone you loved them.

It was five months ago. You'd parroted Melissa. It'd been an insincere imitation, almost a mockery of the phrase's weight. You had only said it because Melissa had done so first.

But you knew it now, the meaning of love.

You'd wondered what it meant. If you really did mean it when you said, "I love you."

Once you started your education here, you'd stopped thinking about it. You didn't know just how important it was.

You'd been too busy carving your future with the hands Melissa gave you.

These same hands were protecting all they could reach– your newfound friends, your mentors, and most importantly, civilians who couldn't protect themselves.

This life spent saving others...

Perhaps it was its own form of love.

The peaceful silence was broken by the voicemail tone.

"Thank you, Melissa, David. I will remember those two things– that you love me and that I do not need to remember. I... have learned how to– no– that I can experience love. I was not certain of it before, but I am certain now. Thank you for helping me. See you."

You put your phone into your pocket.

Before you could head downstairs to eat breakfast, there was one last thing you had to do.

You looked to the balcony sliding doors.

In front of the left door, the picture of your parents' smiling faces glowed in the morning sun.

Their picture was set up on a small box. You'd have to replace it with a proper shrine later.

You'd offered your parents some water the day before. You changed out the cup of water for a fresh one.

Next, you had to replace the food offering.

It was always an orange. Todoroki had taught you to honor your parents using an orange. You'd been doing the same ever since.

Todoroki seemed to be fond of oranges. Specifically, mandarins. The coin pouch he gave you was modeled in the shape of one.

You walked over to the makeshift shrine to grab the orange.

It is ripe.

I will share this with Todoroki.

You took another orange from your mini-fridge. This would be the latest offering for another few days or so.

Kneeling down, you placed it onto the box.

You pocketed the orange and pressed your hands together.

Good morning, Mother, Father.

You gazed at their still faces.

They didn't need you to remember.

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