[56] Defend the Crown

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A week passed.

Like the previous days, your class spent half of sixth period in Gym Gamma.

You were currently standing around with Kirishima and Kaminari. The three of you were taking a quick break.

"Don't I look awesome?" said Kaminari. He smirked and flicked his sunglasses. "I managed to find something both cool and practical."

Kirishima replied curiously, "Wow, I didn't notice your forehead was so big."

Kaminari deflated. "Why would you say that...?"

"It's not a bad thing! It just means you're smart. I think."

"Oh, really? Thanks!"

"Yeah!" Kirishima turned to you. "What about you? Are you getting anything modded?"


"No?" repeated Ketchup and Mustard.

Kirishima gave you a once-over. "I think you could use some spikes here and there. Welded brass knuckles and spiky kneepads!"

Kaminari rapidly shook his head. "No! Do you want him to kill people!?"

"What!? Of course not! Why?"

"What if someone bleeds out!?"

"Oh crap! Yeah, that'd be bad. I didn't think about that."

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Anyway," said Kirishima, turning to you once more, "are you sure? We have a week left till the exam. I think that's enough time to send Melissa your costume and back."

You nodded. "I am sure. I am content with the current model of my costume."

There really wasn't anything that needed changing. Melissa had designed your costume with every safety precaution in mind. Your helmet even had an internal inducible gas filter.

Kirishima smiled. "That's good. If you ever change your mind, you can ask me and I'll take you to the Support studio."

"Hey..." Crossing his arms, Kaminari narrowed an eye at you. "You're not obsessed with Melissa anymore, right?"

You blinked. "I do not recall having an obsession with Melissa."

"There's something wrong with you too!"

The three of you became alert when Bakugou urgently shouted, "Oi, watch out!"

A rock had fallen from the height where Bakugou was training.

It shot straight for All Might.

Scarf in hand, Aizawa rushed forward. "Fool!"

Before Aizawa could do anything, your boosters roared to life and Midoriya leapt off the ground.

You picked up All Might as Midoriya kicked the rock to pieces.

Initial shock wearing off, All Might grinned proudly.

Both his boys were growing by the day.

You skidded to a stop, All Might in your arms princess-style.

Midoriya landed on the ground with a slide. "If I'm worried about my arms, then I'll use my legs! One For All: Full Cowling... Shoot Style!"

All Might nodded. "That's right!"

Midoriya got up from his crouch. "Are you okay, All Might?"

"Yeah!" All Might soon realized how ridiculous he looked getting carried like this. He pat your helmet and said weakly, "Thank you, my bionic boy. You can put me down now."

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