[27] Itsy Bitsy

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You grip an overhead handle while Kendo and Yaoyorozu sit down.

"[L/n]." Yaoyorozu has a curious twinkle in her eye when she asks, "May I ask why you've decided to intern with Ms. Uwabami?"

Kendo, who's sitting to the other girl's left, watches on with equal curiosity.

You nod. "Yes. I have decided to intern with Ms. Uwabami because she displayed the most direct interest in me. After confiding with Melissa, we determined that I should intern with a Hero who wants me to intern under them genuinely."

Yaoyorozu smiles. "Ah, I see." She turns to Kendo. "And you, Kendo?"

Kendo smiles a bit bashfully. "Well, the same reason as [L/n], actually. I'm assuming you guys also got your pictures taken?"

You and Yaoyorozu nod.

30 minutes pass and you've arrived in the target city.

When the three of you enter Uwabami's agency, Yaoyorozu is instantly awestruck.

Yaoyorozu begins to twinkle, her left hand coming to her parted lips. "Oh my...! What terrific architecture!"

You and Kendo don't appreciate the interior as much. Kendo snorts and says, "Well, let's go get checked in, shall we?"

The redhead leads your little trio towards the reception desk, but before Kendo can say anything, women donning red lips, black suits, and black shades surround your group.

Kendo's brows furrow, Yaoyorozu looks the slightest taken back, and you look at the new arrivals curiously.

The leader of the women raises her sunglasses and asks with scrutinizing eyes, "You three are the brats Ms. Uwabami asked for?"

You stand there, a little out of place among the women. The leader squints at you especially.

"Yes," replies Yaoyorozu with grace. She handles the older woman's rudeness gracefully. "I am Yaoyorozu Momo," she holds up her school I.D., "this is Kendo Itsuka," she gestures to said girl, "and this is [L/n] [Name]. We all had our individual photos reviewed by Ms. Uwabami personally."

Kendo smiles at Yaoyorozu, impressed with her grace, before holding up her school I.D. as well. You follow with a bit of sloppiness.

"Alright." The lead woman turns to the receptionist, whispers something, and then starts to walk away, her black heels clicking on the tile. "This way."

After a trip up the elevator, you are lead to a waiting room.

"Wait here. All of you will have a group interview in five minutes." With that, the flock of intimidating women leave.

"Wait, a group interview?" Kendo hurriedly asks the leaving women. Unfortunately they don't hear her.

"Not to worry, Kendo." Yaoyorozu smiles and places a comforting hand on Kendo's shoulder. "I researched the procedure for being processed as an intern here. Although those women surprised me initially, everything is going to plan." She looks between you and Kendo. "Shall we sit?"

You all sit down. You're to Yaoyorozu's right while Kendo is to her left.

You turn to Yaoyorozu. "What is a group interview?"

"We will be interviewed as a group, although the reason has been kept secret." Yaoyorozu glances at you briefly. "I'm assuming it's to evaluate our synergy as a group since we will all be operating under Ms. Uwabami."

Kendo blinks. "Ah, that makes sense. I'd assumed we were doing individual interviews."

Silence sets in after a few seconds. The girls easily fill it with discussions about the curriculum and their thoughts on the internship. Meanwhile, you stare at the wall in complete silence.

They notice your silence.

"What's up, [L/n]?" Kendo leans forward to talk to you. "Penny for your thoughts?"

You blink. "There is a spider on the wall. You do not have to pay me for my thoughts."

Yaoyorozu squints faintly at the wall. Then, she blinks. "Ah, there it is. Also, it is an expression used to ask for someone's thoughts, [L/n]. Kendo was not going to pay you."

Kendo laughs. "Yep, exactly what Yaoyorozu said. I could take the spider out if you want."

Yaoyorozu immediately cries, "No, don't kill it! We must have compassion for even the smallest animals..."

"I meant leave it outside."

"Ah. I apologize..."

"None taken."

Light streams from your pupils and washes over the startled spider, which starts moving up the wall.

You follow it with the light mercilessly. "It is a yellow sac spider."

Kendo tries not to laugh while Yaoyorozu watches on with worry.

The latter murmurs, "[L/n], you are scaring it. Please stop scanning it."

The light from your pupils disappears as your irises spin to a stop. "I was scaring it?"

Kendo finally laughs out loud. "Yeah. I don't think it liked the sudden light."

"I see." You nod at the spider. "I apologize."

The spider says nothing.

Kendo looks from you to Yaoyorozu for an explanation and Yaoyorozu shakes her head.

Fifteen minutes pass and apparently you've nailed the interview, because as soon as you're all out the door, the same flock of women collects you and takes you to Uwabami's office.

Kendo sighs. "This is gonna be a long day..."

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