[71] The Thing About Harajuku (Part 2)

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The pressure from all around you began to fall.

You kept your eyes ahead, upon chaotic sparks of ash blond hair.

Bakugou was an immovable stone in a raging river. With his deep scowl and wide stance, the people passing by naturally parted around him.

You passed your fingers over your left wrist. The black bracelet Melissa made you, the one that could transform into your helmet, was a reminder that no matter where you were, you could keep yourself safe.

But you didn't need the bracelet.

Not when Bakugou was right in front of you.

From your spot behind him, you thought,

The world is quiet here.

You heard your surname.

To your left, Midoriya jogged to a stop.

He was frowning. His big green eyes flicked back and forth between your own. "Are you okay?"

Earlier, upon seeing you approach Bakugou, Midoriya had recalled what Kirishima said:

"I've noticed that he tends to hang around Bakugou whenever there's a big crowd."

Bakugou wrenched his head over his shoulder and practically hissed, "Deku! Fuck off before I actually take your skin."

Midoriya squeaked back, "C-can you stop saying that? You're gonna scare someone! We're in public, you know!"

"I am okay."

Midoriya blinked. Bakugou just turned away with a huff.

You had cut in before the argument could escalate.

Sheepish, Midoriya chuckled. "Sorry about that..."

He glanced downward at your feet.

They were planted firmly to the ground.

There was no shuffling. Your nervous tic.

Midoriya looked back up.

He smiled, and the stars living in the apples of his cheeks smiled with him. "Thank goodness."

Next, he offered you his fist. A binding vow.

"I'll be right next to you, okay?"

Something wasn't quite right with that statement.

Why was Midoriya stating the obvious?

From the moment you arrived in Japan, Midoriya had been next to you every step of the way.

"Midoriya is silly."

Your iron fist met Midoriya's bruised knuckles in a delicate exchange. Your touch was feather-light compared to what your hands were made of.

"Thank you, Midoriya."

"Yeah! But why am I silly...?"

"You are silly. That is all."

Another person showed up behind you.

You knew who that was.

But when you turned around, no one was there.

"Over here."

Todoroki was suddenly on your right. He wasn't smiling, but you could see the stiffness in his jaw. He was holding back a laugh.

Midoriya perked up. "Todoroki!"

Todoroki nodded in greeting. "Midoriya."

"Hello, Todoroki." Your irises spun as you zoomed in on his face. "Why?"

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