[59] Class 1-A, Together

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Todoroki followed you into the reception room.

The two of you had put out the wildfires by containing the area in a dome of ice and melting it. The people below had gotten soggy, but it was at least better than getting fried like an egg.

You looked around.

In the middle of the reception room, there were several long dining tables. Already, other students were refreshing themselves with food and water. Single chairs hugged the walls.

Todoroki beelined for the left wall. "Let's sit over here."

You weren't a fan of crowded places either. "Okay."

Todoroki glanced back to make sure you were following before continuing on.

When you took a seat, you removed your helmet, leaned your head back, and activated the heat release mechanism in your armor. Your face disappeared in the oncoming steam.

Todoroki watched you.

To see you relaxed like this was incredibly rare. You had perfect posture and eyes that seemed perpetually awake.

At the moment, your hair was everywhere. Your shoulders sagged, your legs were spread apart, you leaned back into your seat with ease.

Todoroki's gaze softened.

You were just as perfect.

You abruptly stood up and Todoroki went stiff.


You declared, "We must hydrate." You turned to Todoroki. "What is your preferred beverage?"

Todoroki was still processing your sudden change in demeanor. "I, uh... I'm fine."

"Melissa says hydration is important. What is your preferred beverage?"

"I'm fine."

"It is vital to maintain your body's moisture, especially after intensive exercise. You are not fine."

"But I am..."

You hadn't blinked for a solid fifteen seconds. "I will make a selection on your behalf."

You walked off. Todoroki just huffed through his nose in fond exasperation.

Your next opponent– the beverage corner.

Your task now was to deduce what Todoroki would like.

Water was a safe choice. Everyone liked water. Except Mineta. He'd probably drink girl pee given the chance.

Orange juice, a tasty beverage. The sugar would help with keeping Todoroki awake and energized.

Hot tea would also be nice. The pleasant bitterness always soothed the heart and muscles.

You poured some orange juice. Then you poured tea into the same cup. Everyone else at the beverage corner gaped at you like you were a monster.

You presented your abomination of a drink to Todoroki. If Todoroki didn't know you, he would've missed how you seemed almost proud.

"What... is this?"

"It is orange juice and tea." You held it closer to him and he had no choice but to take it. "The sugar from the orange juice and the anti-inflammatory quality of the tea will regulate your energy and overall health."

"Ah." Todoroki was mildly afraid.

You sat down and took a sip of your orange juice.

Todoroki frowned. Why couldn't you have just grabbed a normal drink for him too?

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