[45] Sunflower

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 When the clock struck four, the two classes were herded back to their separate camps.

"Yesterday, I told you it was the last day we'd be helping you out!" chirped Pixie-Bob, animatedly gesturing to a huge spread of curry ingredients. "If you want to eat, get off your asses and make it yourself! Curry!"

"Yes, ma'am," the class replied wearily.

To Pixie-Bob's left, Ragdoll laughed. "Everyone's looking pretty raw! But that's no excuse to do a sloppy job!"

"You're right." Iida looked up, holding his chin in thought. "In the case of an emergency, feeding the hungry and providing sustenance to mind and body is an essential part of providing aid..." He turned to the class and shouted, "Those Pros are correct! Let's make the world's best curry!"

"Todoroki, we need some fire over here!"


"Bakugou, can you light a fire with your explosions?"

"Of course I can, you shit!"

While your classmates worked on the curry, you were forced to sit on a bench off to the side. Absolutely no one in this class trusted you with a knife.

You slid off the bench to crouch on the ground, running a finger through the dirt. Might as well practice your animals.

First, a cat. Cats had round faces and pointy ears.

A dog next. Dogs had long faces and long ears.

And then a mouse. If the principal was anything to go by, mice had pointy faces and round ears.

"I am glad to see you're keeping yourself occupied. Are you drawing?"

You craned your neck back. Iida smiled down at you, a basket of potatoes in his arms. He was kind enough to check on you periodically.

"Yes." You wiped your finger on your pants.

Iida set the potatoes aside and leaned down, taking a closer look at your drawings.

He adjusted his glasses. "...What exactly have you been drawing?"

You pointed to each figure as you told Iida, "Cat, dog, mouse."

"...I see."

That is a dog? Iida thought, mortified.

It was more like a lumpy blob with more lumpy blobs attached to it. It didn't even have facial features. It was just the shape of the 'dog.'

Iida squatted down to address you, genuinely concerned. "Please answer me seriously. Have you ever seen a dog before?"

"Yes, I have."

"This...drawing is what you believe dogs look like?"

"Yes. Did I draw it wrong?"

"...Not necessarily." Like Aizawa, Iida was a goddamn liar. "It is just...an interesting way to interpret dogs."

You stared at him innocently. Iida began to sweat.

When you quietly returned to drawing in the dirt, Iida sighed in relief. He didn't know if he could pop out another lie. It was against his morals.

And it was hard to lie to you. Iida was well aware that you didn't know much. The only thing worse than knowing nothing was finding out everything was a lie.

"Iida, did I draw this correctly?"

He jerked to attention. Stern red eyes landed on your latest drawing.

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