[14] Plus Ultra

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True to Kaminari's word, you borderline-harassed Shinsou.

It was after the second time he brainwashed you that you realized it was his Quirk's doing. You were persistent to the point where he gave up brainwashing you.

"Why do you refuse?"

"God, just go away!"

"Who is God?"

Shinsou groaned from the other side of the booth. It had been three days since you first offered your assistance.

Besides harassing Shinsou at lunch, you'd been working extra hard. A new addition to your daily schedule was thirty minutes of J.S.L. everyday. You'd picked it up after asking Melissa what Kouda had been doing with his hands.

"I don't need your help, [L/n]. Bug off."

Exchanging surnames was the most friendly exchange you two had. Shinsou's excuse was that he needed something else besides "robot bastard" to mentally address you by.

"You desire to enter the hero course, do you not?" You set down your chopsticks. "Since I myself entered via recommendation, I can only recommend someone else to assist you. As far as I have seen, Iida Tenya is of caliber high enough to be a recommended student."

"You? A recommended student? Anyways.." Shinsou scoffed as he poked at his yakisoba. "..as far as I've seen, that Iida kid's got a stick up his ass."

You tilted your head, a habit you unintentionally inherited from sitting with Shinsou for the past three days. "What is ass?"

A wicked grin spread across Shinsou's face.

During the period after lunch, Iida gasped extremely loudly. "W-what did you just say!?"

Many pairs of eyes glanced to the front of the room, curious as to why Iida gaped down at you like he just watched you disable his older brother for life.

"Do you have a stick up your ass, Iida? Shinsou says so."

Gripping his head, Iida cried, "Who is Shinsou and why is he teaching you such vulgar language!?"

Yaoyorozu immediately stood up from her seat, a protective glint in her eye. "Did I hear "vulgar language?""

"Damn right, Ponytail!" Seeing an opportunity to taint your innocence, Bakugou grinned and yelled, "Tell whoever he is that he's a huge bitch!"

"What is a bi—?"

Kaminari cut you off. "[L/n], no!"

Kaminari made sure you stayed away from Shinsou after that. He was a little harsh when he told you to back off of Shinsou, but it had to be done.

"Oi, [L/n].. I think you've just gotta take "no" for an answer. It can't be helped. If he doesn't want it, then he doesn't want it."

All it took for you to stop was remembering Ashido's disgust for scanning her without her consent.

Now, you sat with your own classmates. It was a pleasant change from sitting all by yourself. To keep you away from Bakugou, Ashido and Yaoyorozu demanded you sit with them and the rest of the girls. You had no issue with this arrangement.


Shinsou grumbled to himself, feeling two holes sear themselves into the back of his head. You'd finally left him alone, yet he still couldn't find peace.

He still couldn't understand your motives even after you explained yourself to him more than ten times.

Why the hell were you so persistent? What were you hoping to get out of this?

In Her Name [BNHA x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now