[33] Lilac Eyes

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"Now..." The strange man didn't take his eyes or his gun off you for a second. "You'll keep quiet about us meeting unless you want that scrawny green-haired brat and his mom to die."

He grinned. "I know you like them a lot."

Red irises stared back at him and he raised a brow. "Oh, what's this? Your eyes glow when you're angry."

"Do not hurt them. Do not approach them." Your eyes were red with anger, but the rest of your face remained still and stoic as usual. "State your intention."

The man remained silent. He only leered eerily at you and you unintentionally held your breath.

What can I do? I must think. I must move fast enough for him to be unable to shoot me.

"And by the way..."

You watched him carefully as he talked.

The man smirked. "The boss assigned me to watch you as soon as a Quirkless Heroics student popped up in the Quirk registry. I know you can find out people's personal information with just a look."

He tipped his head to the side. "Go ahead. Scan me."

"Why?" you asked carefully. "I will be able to report you to the police with that information."

The man laughed, wiggling his pistol. "I meant it when I said I'd kill your friend and his mom."

You inhaled sharply.

Heat scorched your head. How dare he threaten Midoriya and his mom? How dare he?

Red, angry light washed over the man.

"Shin Nemoto. Age 32," you recited robotically.

And then there was silence.

"...Quirk: Confession."

"That's right." Shin's arm never tired from holding the pistol. "You can't hide anything from me. Emotions are so burdensome, you know? Although, emotions are what make conning so easy..."

You subconsciously clenched your jaw before replying, "Do not hurt Mi--my friend or his mother."

The man kept talking. "I like you. You don't seem to feel anything on the outside, but your eyes are the windows to your soul...you'll make a fine henchman for the boss."

He hurled the pistol at you and all you saw in the next second was black.

You woke up hours later. You were still on the cold ground of the alleyway. The sun was about to dip under the horizon, casting long shadows across your crumpled form.

You felt like a screw drove through the front of your skull. Your head was throbbing, and a trail of dried blood stained your face.

You looked around.

You couldn't remember anything after leaving the train station.

Why were you here? Who hit you?

You crawled towards the alley wall and slowly got to your feet, leaning against the brick for support.

Melissa had told you that you would have weak memory because of the damage to your hippocampus, so whoever hit you knew that one hard hit was all it took to reset your memory.

You groaned softly.

It hurts.

You squeezed your eyes shut before blindly making your way to the front of the alley.

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