༺ Vulnerable ༻

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"Jungkook...?" Jimin called out as he slowly entered the room that belonged to Jungkook after knocking. Jungkook who was sitting on his bed lifts his head up and looks at Jimin, Jimin softly smiles and enters before closing the door. He makes his way toward the bed and sits in front of Jungkook.

"Is something up? What's going on?" Jimin asked as Jungkook gulped and then sighs. 

"Hoseok Hyung he... he used to have a crush on Suga Hyung and they both knew each other in the past..." Jungkook whispers as Jimin widens his eyes since he definitely wasn't expecting that, however, he sighs and looks at his lap.

"Are you angry with him...?" Jimin asked as Jungkook lowers his gaze and shrugs his shoulders unable to understand his mixed feelings.

"I don't know Hyung... this thing I am feeling... I don't understand it..." Jungkook softly confesses causing Jimin to smile and pat his shoulder.

"Tell me what you feel Kook" Jimin encourages as Jungkook's eyes slowly get wet.

"I feel angry but at the same time I feel sad and jealous... he knew Suga Hyung from the very start... he also felt something for him... he saw the original Suga... the one without those ugly scars..." Jungkook lets it out with a sob as Jimin sighs and rubs his back before hugging him. 

"Now Now... stop crying" Jimin's soft and kind voice caused Jungkook to cry even harder until he finally stopped after 2 minutes.

Jimin was still hugging him and Jungkook also refused to let go.

"You think Hoseok Hyung saw the beautiful and original version of Min Suga...?" Jimin started finally breaking the silence. 

"No, my love, you are so wrong" Jimin breaks the hug and faces Jungkook who looks back at him with his red puffy eyes. 

"It's you..." Jimin's hands make their way to wipe Jungkook's tears as he smiles.

"It's you Jungkook, It's you who saw the most beautiful and original version of Min Suga..." Jimin stares at Jungkook with all the love and affection. He continues to smile.

"You saw him in his darkest time... his vulnerable time... you saw the face he has never shown anyone before... It's you Kook... it has always been you..." Jimin told causing Jungkook to feel emotional again, tears started gathering in his eyes as he hugs Jimin again. Jimin rubs his back and with his hand, he massages his head.

"Go apologize to Hoseok Hyung for the rude behavior," Jimin said as Jungkook breaks the hug and nods firmly before running out of the room. Jimin smiles and sighs seeing him go, that's when his eyes land on Taehyung who was now standing in the door frame.

"And that's exactly why I love you," Taehyung says with his love eyes as Jimin giggles and goes to hug him. 

"He misses Min Suga so much... I wonder what happened..." Jimin said hugging Taehyung who sighs and hugged Jimin back before shrugging his shoulders.

"Who knows..." 


"He misses him..." Soobin whispers as Seokjin stares at him with his cold gaze which wasn't a bit kind towards him. Hoseok was sitting beside Seokjin feeling all tensed. Seokjin scoffs. 

"Oh yeah? He didn't think twice before hurting him!" Seokjin rages as Soobin flinches but then shakes his head in no. He looks at Seokjin with teary eyes. 

"No no! Please listen to what happened! It's nothing like what you assume!" Soobin pleads as Seokjin stands up not having any intentions of wanting to listen to what Soobin has to say. 

"Oh please! Keep your damn excuses to yourself! I don't want any of you to be near Jungkook!!" Seokjin rages as Hoseok stands up too and grabs Seokjin's wrist who seems to be leaving.

"Hyung! Hear him out please!" Hoseok pleads as Seokjin looks at him with rage.

"Hear him out?! Fuck him and fuck you! Ever since Jungkook came back from the cafe he has been so down! I have no idea what the fuck you say to him but you both! Listen to me!" Seokjin pauses and points at both of them.

"You both better stay away from Kook, or else I will take legal action and put your asses in jail!" Seokjin warns. He frees himself from Hoseok's grip and turns to leave until Soobin's words paused him.

"HE HITS HIM!!" Hoseok's eyes widen as his head jerks towards Soobin who was standing there with tears streaming down his face. Seokjin's eyes also grew wide as he suddenly felt all his energy leave his body. He no longer had the strength to move and leave the cafe.

"KIM NAMJOON! YOONGI HYUNG'S MANAGER ALSO HIS LOVER! HE HITS YOONGI HYUNG! EVEN THOUGH HYUNG CAN'T WALK! EVEN THOUGH HE CAN LIFT HIS HAND PROPERLY! HE STILL SLAPS HIM! PUNCHES HIM! YOONGI HYUNG! Y-Yoongi Hyung... he is dying... he is gonna die at this rate..." Soobin no longer having the energy to continue falls down on the chair causing Hoseok to flinch and run toward him to help. Seokjin stands there frozen having no idea what to do. 

"P-Please... l-let me deliver his message to him..." Soobin begs as Seokjin gulps and slowly turns around to look at him. He sighs, his hands shaking as he slowly makes his way toward Soobin and sits in front of him on the chair as well. 

"In what form is that message?" Seokjin asked as Soobin who was taken aback by that question suddenly gains strength before sitting straight and taking out a letter. He hands the letter to Seokjin with his shaky has who looks at it and then at him before slowly bringing his hand forward to receive it. 

"I am going to read it before giving it to Jungkook," Seokjin said Soobin first wants to refuse but then thinking of Yoongi who was eager to give this letter to Jungkook made him change his mind as he nods and allows Seokjin to open it up and read it. 

Seokjin slowly opens the envelope and then takes out the paper before unfolding it. 

Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now