Chapter 14: Double Demise

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw Amaterasu, Susanoo and Tsukuyomi sit together as they discuss Malak's attack, they feared on what would happen if Malak attacked them, their only option was to increase their defences as they remember what happened to Yasaka, she was not the same after the attack. Issei and the others rest for a while, as they discuss on the Sitri Descendent who was hidden from the rest of the world, they talk this with Ophis, as she agrees to help them, she did not know who were they, however she did state that she would ask Great Red for help, as Issei agrees to it. Artemis then asked Issei to meet up with Athena about why the Sitri sisters hate her so much, to which she agrees, upon asking where she is Seekvaira agrees to help him. Issei meets up with Athena, and after seeing her completely dressed, he asks her about this. And she states that the sister has something that they don't, obviously he twists the question so that she does not suspect him, as he then thanks her and leaves. Issei ponders over everything that would make the Sitri sisters jealous of her. After a while, he meets up with Great Red and Ophis, who speak about the sister known as Miyuki Sitri, as well as her potential to become a Super-devil, this made Issei confused, as to why is she locked up, it was then revealed that the Sitri sisters were jealous, making Issei angry. He thanks the two, as he reveals this to the rest of his group, who were also happy, he decided to rescue her tonight, which he managed to infiltrate and successfully do so. He then deals with the guards, and saves her from her place, as she states that she can roam the world freely, she was happy and thanked Issei, after which he had to deal with a very jealous Nyx, he calmed her down, as he took her to the bed, with Nyx telling him that once this is all over, she wanted to settle down with him. Meanwhile, Serafall wakes up and decides to find Miyuki before it is too late, she was not going to let her succeed.

Kuoh Academy, 6:30 AM

Sona and Serafall were sitting in the Student Council office. Serafall is here, as she was informing them about what happened with Miyuki.

"Wait, she ran away?" Sona asked surprised, "How!? I assumed that our seals were strong enough to detect whether she would escape or not!?"

Serafall shook her head and responded in a serious tone.

"No So-tan, whoever released her not only knows about her existence, but also is strong enough to remove it, they can be a problem" Sona widened her eyes at this.

"But if she is out, that means, she will know why we had locked her up, we had locked her up, because..." Sona trailed off as she remembered that her sister surpassed her by miles, she could easily take her down if she wanted to, and with the right training, she could surpass even her older sister.

"Because she is stronger than the both of us combined" Serafall spoke with slight fear, she feared her sister's potential, and honestly, she couldn't let her take her place, since the Devil Council will consider her a candidate for Satan, and may replace her.

"So-tan, you must look for her at all costs, eliminate anyone that would stand in your way, and if you can't let me know, I will step in..Even I will look for her." Serafall spoke seriously as Sona nodded in agreement, as she teleported, leaving Sona all alone.

"Dammit! Why did she escape!? How did she escape!?" Sona slammed the table, she remembered what her sister was capable of, and she was terrified and jealous of what she is capable of.

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