Chapter 21: Party Crashing

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw Issei and the others discuss the candidates, for his Droid Faction, he did not find anything worthwhile in both Mio and her sister. They eventually agree on taking them in, by force if they have to. However, their attention is then directed to the magic circle that opened up, and this was revealed to be Gabriel, she told them that he meant them no harm. Soon afterwards, the Moka sisters were revealed, they tried to hug Issei, but he does not remember, after recollecting his memories, he remembers them. He reunites, as they all go inside to catch up. They then explain their situation to the rest of the group, as they became even more disgusted at what Rias Gremory and Dai Hyoudou did, Issei also revealed what he has been doing for the past few months, as they were surprised that Issei had changed, nevertheless, they refused to change their relationship for him and became even more closer to him. Issei was happy with this, as they all go inside so that Issei could settle them down in the house. At night, Issei was working on the gauntlets for Innovate Clear and Telos Karma, as Nyx joins in. Issei then asks her to fire an attack at her, Nyx was reluctant, but she accepted this, as she does fire the attack at Issei, who manages to change it's trajectory leaving him unharmed. They then rest for the night, as they have a good day. The next day, Sona confronts Saji for his actions, as Saji points out that she is also to blame, but Sona refuses to take responsibility, and she tells that she can ruin his life even more, with Saji vowing to take revenge from Quinella and Charlotte for ruining his life, as Momo and Reya watch in sadness on their crush's change. After a while, Issei along with Quinella and Charlotte check their sleeper agents, Asia and the newly acquired Gasper, as Issei commands them to infiltrate the Gremory Peerage which they do so. As they return back to the ORC, they are embraced by Rias, as they do what Issei asks them to do, they all prepare for the party. Meanwhile, Issei visits Göndul and they both get ready to head for the party, however before that Issei makes a visit to Inner Göndul as she asks what does he want to achieve, after telling her his intentions, he leaves, as the duo get ready for the party. The girls who were not going for the party were all ready to take down Kuoh Academy once and for all. Meanwhile, both the Naruse sisters discuss on what is going on in the Devil Kingdom, as well as their contacts with the Magicians, as they prepare for the party. However, they will soon realise that their fun, will be their worst nightmare.

Göndul's Residence, 8:00 PM

"Miyuki, are you sure of this?" Issei looked at his student, and she had a stern look on her face, she heard of Issei sending both Charlotte and Quinella to the party, and she also wanted to join as well.

"I am strong enough to handle Sona right now! I can hold myself pretty well!" Issei narrowed his gaze, and responded in a stern voice.

"It's never too nice to have this much confidence, Miyuki." Miyuki gulped in agreement, she got carried away, as she apologised.

"Sorry...Lord Issei.." Issei sighed and spoke with a slightly serious tone.

"Never let vengeance control you, Miyuki. Always, let it guide you, else, you may never achieve it.." Miyuki nodded intently, she was the most attentive student that was a part of the Droid Faction. Furthermore, she was able to learn all the spells that Charlotte and Quinella managed to teach her.

"I understand..." Miyuki nodded in responded, as she spoke, "But my decision remains unchanged.."

Issei sighs, the girl was stubborn, he will give her that, once she makes up her mind, she does not give up, he then spoke

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