wild cat

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I have been pacing the floor from last ten minutes, i have no idea as to what is going on out there and i would die from shame if my boss found me in his son's penthouse.

'Ugghh i can't live like this i have to find out what is going on between them.' I mentally yelled at the wall's in hope's that they would give me any idea and oh wait....they did.

I quickly walked to the door and turned the knob thankfully it wasn't some horror movie's door so it didn't make any creepy sound and opened in a second.

I carefully peeked out of the door and internaly groaned that i still can't see them they were still out of my sight but i can hear the faint voices of david and enrique they were talking about the new contract with "smith and son" company for the land.

Brown inc. Is the biggest construction company they build the hotel's and building's that worth millons and sell them to other company's.

David know my father because robert floris also known as my father is his old client and a good friend but he didn't knew that when he gave me the job.

Okey now enough with the chitchat get back to the task which is fjnd my panty and make sure that david don't find it before me.

If i walk on my legs to the end of the hallway from where i can have a view of where they were sitting so i did the next thjng that came to my mind and got down on all four's with my hands and knee's.

My body was clinging to the wall as i neared the end of the hallway and stopped behind a small table that have a vase full white rose Ooh..i love white rose on top of it, and it hides most of my body.

They were still discussing about the contract and i on the other hand was analysing the room for my thing's that somepeople should not see. I stopped the laugh that was about to come out of my mouth when i saw that enrique was unable to tame down the beast of an hard on.

Something stir deep in my belly as my imagination took a wrong turn to the dirty road at the thought of his beast and how he had pleased me wih his some expert moves ,i try to avoid the jealousy that came along with the last thought and begain searching for the thing.

I suddenly lost my balance and almost fell but the table stopped it to happen ,seems like the table also lost balance and fell forward and with a lound sound crashed down i instantly backed away and cleanched my eyes shut.

"What is it?" David inquiers while rising from his seat and was about to come my way when enrique came in front of him.

"Nothing it's probably my cat." Seriously man, you could've came up with a better exquese.

"She is a wild one." He added trying to conveince both him and his father about about his lame exques.

"Aah...since when did u started having cats around u, i thought u didnt like them?" He said in a voice that clearly says that " i khow you rascal ,don't lie to me."

"Uhhh....i..i like them now is that a problem?" Enrique said in a irritated voice "we can fix a meeting with the smith's sometime tomorrow."

" ok ok now you'r being really rude with this old man, kicking me out of you'r house." Even i can see the playfullness in his voice but that dumb man standing infront of him who look's like the younger version of him can not see it and started to frown.

"I am not kicking anyone out, i just have some other works that i need to finish." When he said the last part my body start to heat up at the thought of him doing all these things to me again.

"Ok young man." David said while walking towards the door i tried to hide as much as i can..he suddenly stoped and glanced at the hallway but m sure he couldn't see me from there and said the most embarresing thing.

"You'r wild cat can come out now." He said wth the biggest smirk i have ever seen on this old man's face.

My face instantly got red and i face palmed my self while shaking my face.

Why does god always do these kind of things to me..


I am finishing this chapter right here because i really needed to talk to you guy's,

First of all,i read a comments saying that i have the worst vocabulary and it is most probably true but i am trying to work on that thing.

And if there is anyone who thinks my vocabulary, writing skills, grammer etc. Is really bad and you can't even read it or understand it then just don't the story.

The second thing is i read a message that says the my syory is a lot simmilar to the other ceo. I do know that there is a story with that name but i haven't read it yet.

If anyone still thinks that this story is like 'the other ceo' and if its really true then i will remove my story from wattpad because i don't want to be some copy cat bitch.

I am sorry but these things were bothering me and that's the reason i delayed the update.

Thanku so much for reading this story.

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