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The nurse's words were loud and clear to me and I didnt need her to repeat it before I ran towards the door ready to kill that bastard for letting something happen to her.

I barged into the room amd saw him sitting on his bed rubbing at his eyes. Without wasting even a second I marched upto him and grabbed the hospital gown from his neck making him look up at me.

"Where is she? What happened to her? What did you do to her? I swear Nick if anything happened to her then I will kill you with my own bare hands." I threatened him and pushed hard on his neck to to cause him a bit pain as a warning.

Two arms came to his rescue and pulled me back from him, it was Adam.

"Take a deep breath Enrique. Let him explain what happened. " Adam's frightened voice spoke from beside him and I just glared at Nick waiting for him to explain everything.

"I...we....were going to your Ge...Genna told me to take the highway root." He stuttered a bit and then coughed.

"Say it damn it." I screamed at him, not being able to control my anger anymore.

"Calm down sir, let him breath." A police officer who I didn't take notice of yet spoke from behind me. I noticed that it was the same one who I spoke to before outside this room.

"We were going but suddenly a black car came out of nowhere and hit us from behind and......and I lost the balance amd my car hit a tree.." he again stopped and I felt like my heart stopped there as he told us what happened. I have a bad feeling really really bad feeling that whatever he's goona say will cause my heart to breake.

" we were just looking abroud us making sur that both of us were comfortable when a man whose face was covered came and opened the door. Genna was a dizzy from the sudden movement and he pulled her out of the car and took her to his. I went after them but when I came out of the car there were more men around five and the one holding her. I tried to fight them but they were six and I was alone. I...I am was all my fault...I couldn't save her."

He was saying it with guilt on his face. But why was I having a hard time believing his guilt. It's probably the anger towards him. My heart was shattered in milion pieces but I swear on my life that I will not let the person who did this live in piece ever.


My hurts.

My arms... hurt.

My legs....they hurt too.

My hurts too.

I was exhausted physically and mentally I couldn't fight the ropes and bed I was tied to nor can I scream for help anymore.

No one came to me no one came for my rescue. I was alone in this room.

I remember the man dragging me to the black car and someone was hitting Nick. I gasped.

Oh my god what did they do to Nick. Did they kill him? No they can't do that, but no one can stop them from doing this. I hope you're fine Nick.

I heard a bang onto the door and soon someone walked inside. It was a man. I couldn't make his features in the dark before but now it was morning because the early daylight flooded into the room when he came inside.

He was well built the bulging muscles could be seen from his black t-shirt and black jeans. He had curly black hair and green eyes.

"Do you wanna use washroom?" He asked in a sweet voice. For a kidnapper he sounded way too soft but I will obviously use it as my benefit.

"First just have this food. That's all I could find here." He said scratching his back. He said and moved to open my ropes. I felt a hope rise in my heart at his gesture maybe he could help me get out of here.

Don't worry baby I will get both of us out of here, I promise. I talked to my baby He/She was the only person I could talk with.
I will take both of us back to the safety of your papa's arms baby.

Just the thought of Enrique made my eyes water. How will he be? Does he even know that o am here? Why is it taking him so long to save me? Please Enrique get me out of here I don't wanna be here anymore. He released my one arm and was going onto the other when another man barged inside.

"One arm is enough to eat, no need to let the other free." The man was dangerous making me visibly shrink back in fear. The guy with blonde hair spoke with a cold tone and the guy with black hair nodded his head.

I slowly ate the bread toast and the omlet it didn't tasted as good as Enrique's but it was all I could give to my baby right now. Along with it was a glass of water. I quickly ate everything and drank the glass of water to awallow everything down my throat.

"C..can I use the bathroom....I...I re...really need to." I asked the guy with blonde hair and he nodded to the black haired guy.

"Make sure she don't escape dave or you know what he will do to us." The blonde guy warned when we were near the gate.I still felt weak and the guy whose name is I guess dave helped me by my arm while he nodded to his friend.

I wonder who this 'He' is? I don't really wanna know I just wanna escape. And this is what I will do now.

He led me to a bathroom not far away from the room and all the while I tried to find a way out but failed.

"You can't come inside." I Whisper screamed at dave who didn't seem to understand what I meant at first but then he nodded in agreement and stood outside I quickly locked the door silently and looked around to find a way out.

First I let my blader relax because I have a long way ahed of me, I found a window in the far corner. I was hiddel by a cloth similar to the plain white walls making to seem like there's nothing but the side of the cloth didnt stick perfectly to the wall and it made it easy to spot from where is it.

I didnt flush and just cleaned my hands without making any noise and closely examined the window. If I pull atthis then it will get off and thats exactly what happened. I smiled to myself feeling happy to be able to get out of here.

It was a small window but I could fir myself through it. I examined the other side it was so close to ground and It seem to be in the front side of this place. The only thing I could see was trees and overgrown grass. I dont know my way out of this area but I have to take this chance.

I climbed through the window and landed on the ground with a few scratches on my arms and legs. I started running and didn't looked back. I heared loud shouting and curses behind me but I didnt dare look back. But when I heared a lound noise of a gun being shot I looked back but didn't stop. He missed the shot but as I ran I bumped into something and that something circled their arms aroumd me. Both frightened and alarmed I looked up and my eyes went wide.

"Oh my god.. where were you? please take me away from here please save me from them." I begged and started crying to him and he scooped me upto his chest and I wrapped my legs around him and hugged him tightly.

"Just take me back home...."

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