Part 11: Avoiding??

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Next day she saw him at the entrance of the campus with his group. He saw her as well and smiled at her. But she just walked away along with her classmates as if she did not see him at all. But her inside was satisfied for time being seeing that he was fine. Her mind had not allowed her a second's peace thinking about his absence for last day. She had also feared for the worst. But for now, she decided to stick with her plan of ignoring him which appeared to be best for her. She reminded herself that she had study and whole three years in front of her whereas Rudra will be leaving soon and would not turn back to see her. She assumed it since she herself used to do that. Whenever her father got transferred and she left a place, she never turned back to look for anyone even if she knew she would miss them terribly. This was something her mother had taught her right from her childhood since she used to get involved emotionally with some of her classmates and then cry remembering them. But soon, she realized that her feelings were not returned. Thanks to her mother again. She had taken her back once and she had felt ignored by the same people whom she called friends and had cried for. It was very soon that she realized that people come and leave and replaced by new one. She feared that same was the case with Rudra and she did not want to get hurt in the same way.

On the other hand Rudra was wondering what might have happened to her that she had given him a cold shoulder. No one had ever done this to him. He would not have been bothered if it was someone else. He thought hardly and realized that he had promised her something and failed. He cursed himself badly but was determined to make it up to her.

The whole week was over in the same way. He called at Natasha's number as well but could not reach Shanaya. How weird it was.. Natasha was a flirt but when it came to make him talk to Shanaya, she did not help. What nonsense!! It was then his mind started plotting devious plans for the weekend and he instantly dialed Mike.

"Get up Shane!" This was fifth time when Natey had tried waking her up. This time she had shook her as well.

"Hmm.. Five minutes more.."

"No! You have been saying same thing from past 30 minutes."

"Why are you in hurry? Its Saturday. Just sleep..." Shanaya mumbled in her sleep.

"We are going out and because of you I am getting late."

"Where are you going?" She mumbled again.

"I said we are going.."

"We did not have any plan till yesterday night if I remember it correctly." By now she had started stretching her body and rubbing her eyes.

"Mike called and informed that we are having group outing."

"You go, I get bored and anyways you will be with Mike all the time. What will I do?" She sat up and made a puppy face so that Natey would not force her.

"Oh no no! That is not going to work. And as I said, it is group outing, I won't get much time with him and I will need you. Besides, I do not want you to sleep for the whole day and there will be no one in hostel since it is weekend. So, move your ass and get ready."

"What did...?"

"Don't start with your language class. We are already getting late."

Shanaya opened her mouth and closed again. Then quietly headed to the washroom, shaking her head.

After 45 minutes or so Shanaya was completely ready to leave whereas Natasha was still doing her make-up.

"You said we were getting late an hour ago and still you are standing there as if there is no rush. Why did you wake me up so early then?"

"Making you get up is the biggest work you know. And don't get so frustrated. If you don't apply make-up, that does not mean that even I should not. I have a boyfriend and who knows how many guys will get attracted. So I have to look the best."

Shanaya rolled her eyes as if everyone was coming to see Natasha but did not comment instead asked:

"Who are coming today?"

"Everyone. Why? Are you expecting someone special?"

"I don't have anyone special." She answered too fast but her mind went to a certain handsome face which she was avoiding. All of a sudden she started feeling nervous and excited at the same time. What if even he shows up? Usually he always tagged along and what if he comes today, how was she going to react. All of a sudden her idea of going started looking appealing as well as disturbing. A part of her wanted to see him whereas another did not.

"Are you listening at all Shane?"

"Huh? Yes! I was.. wondering that I should go back to my bed and take some rest?"

"Oh no no no! You are not!! And I am almost done. Just 2 more minutes."

After 15 minutes they left for the mall where they were supposed to meet rest others.


Our Shanaya is anticipating.. So am I!! ;)

How many of you share the feeling??

Do you think she will see him or is it just a false alarm??

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