Part 13: Getting to Know each other

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At that moment Shanaya had not realized but when both Mike and Natey were out of sight, she felt someone's presence behind her and a husky voice in her ears:

"Shall we?"

She turned around creating some distance in the process:

"Do you have any other option?"

"Unfortunately, no." He smiled at her.

"Thought so.." She sighed.

"Great! We think in the same way." He smirked at her and then led the way, knowing that she would run at any given chance. He saw her following him over his shoulder and smiled. He slowed his pace for her to catch up.

"So what would you like to do? What did you eat in the morning?"

"I ate. Please don't worry yourself." She lied smoothly.

"Oh! But I am hungry. Come let's eat something first."

He led her to a restaurant and offered her but she kept declining politely. He ordered for himself though it did not look like he ordered for just one person.

"Come on! You can just pretend to be eating till I am finished. I am not used to eating alone." Rudra said winking at her.

She sighed and gave up. He was persistent.

"By the way, I am sorry for that day?" He spoke in order to start a conversation.

"For what?" Shanaya asked, pretending to concentrate on food when her heart was beating so loudly. She had never been alone with Rudra except that one day in book store. Not that she was alone, she was with Natey, but he had managed to found her alone. And today, she literally was alone with him.

"When I said I will come and I did not turn up. I had some admission work to finish. You see, I will be moving for my Masters very soon." He said clearly but slowly, observing her very closely.

For a few seconds Shanaya didn't answer, could not answer. Her hands stopped in between and she felt as if she went all hollow inside. She did not understand for which part to react more. The fact that he was talking about THAT DAY or the fact that he was preparing to leave. She was feeling tensed, could not ignore the fact that one day he will leave. She had to control herself. Her emotions were getting better of her. But then as soon as she realized that she is sitting in front of Rudra, she composed herself.

"Which day you are talking about? I don't remember anything." She said it in a way as if it did not affect her at all.

Rudra was watching her. He knew she was struggling with herself. He smirked at her, as if knew exact thing to say:

"Oh you don't remember. The day after that book store day. You... do.. remember that... Don't you?"

Shanaya choked instantly. Her face turned completely red due to blushing. How could she ever forget such hot and eventful day.

"Here, have some water." Rudra offered her and for the first time she accepted it without protesting.

"Looks like I spoke something very sensational." He said smirking.

Shanaya did her best to avoid his gaze and kept it on her plate.

"Sorry, this is too spicy."

"Indeed? I thought so.." He smiled, his eyes filled with mischief.

"The food. I mean.. the food is spicy. And I don't remember you saying anything about coming to college. So you need not to be sorry. I don't remember you saying any such things."

"Okay." The way she was speaking, he had almost believed her. Almost! But he knew that she was lying and he had to try harder. He understood that he was still a stranger to her and she had no reasons to trust him enough to disclose her feelings.

"And it would be good for all if you move to next college. I don't think anyone will miss your presence." She said without looking at him.

"I don't know about others but I know that there are many girls who will be crying." He smiled at her.

"You are mistaken and overconfident."

"I am not. Anyways, why are we talking about others? Let's talk about each other."

"I don't talk about myself with the people who are not friends."

"Okay then tell me about your friends from school."


"Come on! That cannot be a secret. Why are you being so secretive?"

"I did not had many friends. Just three but we all were very close."

"Hmm.. That sounds different but good. Who were they? If you don't mind, of course."

She smiled at him and his breath hitched. This was first time that she had smiled genuinely at him. A smile that could kill anyone, including him.

"Vanessa, Anna and Vashishtha"

This was his turn to choke on the water he was drinking. A guy? Her close friend? Or may be more? But she had told him already that she did not had any boyfriend. But that did not mean that there was nothing.

"Ours was an international school. Me, Anna and Vanessa were the stars of the class."

"And Vashishtha?" Rudra tried his best asking coolly as if he had genuine interest. Yes, he was interested, more in knowing the chemistry they both had. He knew it would be hard to listen whatever she told him about his so called close friend.

"He? He used to be very sweet. He was more attached to me compared to Ann and Van. But that did not affect my friendship with Ann and Van."

"You know, I think that a guy and a girl can never be friends genuinely."

"That is wrong. It depends on you. How you react and maintain the limit."

"Did he never propose you?"


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I will share everything that Rudra and Shanaya shared on their plates :P

Poor Shanaya did not even realize that Rudra had made her eat in the same plate as his.. How many of you have heard that "eating in same plate increases the love between the persons." You know "sharing is caring." ;) ;) :P :P

Sorry for late update but you will get it now.

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