Part 34: The Decision

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A.N: As mentioned in previous chapters, this chapter is dedicated to deevika15 for comments n requesting for lengthier chapters personally on mail.
Thank you for your interest, votes, comments n suggestions. Enjoy reading!!

Shanaya was lying on her bed with a book at which she stared but could not comprehend any letter written on it. She did not had any tears in her eyes. She was hurt but she knew that she herself was responsible for that and also that she was not even in position to understand Rudra's situation. Being a selfish bitch for the first time in her life had not ended well. She was still trying to convince herself that this was for the best when her phone started ringing.


Who would be calling at this time?

On other days, it would be Rudra who would call her at this time and she would wait eagerly but now....

She sighed sadly and got her mobile from the table.

Her eyes popped out as soon as she saw the caller id.


God Shanaya!! Get ready for literally being dragged to your grave. She did not know whether to answer it or not. But she could not keep him waiting. So she picked the call but did not say anything.

"Are you not going to speak anything?"

She sighed in relief. At least his voice was not harsh or did not show any anger as she had expected.

"Uhm.. I don't know what to say. Saying sorry is not enough I guess. I messed up everything."

"Yes. Sorry is not sufficient."

"What do you want me to do?"

God!! If only had she asked this question earlier... Rudra would have been more than happy to punish her in his ways. But he knew, this was not going to be last time that she would be asking this question.

"I hope you understand the gravity of the situation we are in."

No. She didn't! It was all absurd. But she chose to keep quiet.

"The background history of your ancestors has given an impression to ours that they cannot be trusted and have been known for cheating and attacking when the person is most vulnerable."

Shanaya silently grasped the new but absurd knowledge. But somehow, it made her blood boil with anger. If only she had paid more attention to those stories, she too would have known something. She could not, won't, sit and listen someone belittle her ancestors, even if she did not know them. She decided to interrupt.

"Whatever had happened would have affected both sides. And that was seven generations back, for god's sake, more than 100 years if you take an estimate in years. How does it matter what my or your ancestor's did?"

"It matters a lot to us. We have been living at the same mansion for years, almost for five generations. Everyone there knows what had happened then."

This was shocking to Shanaya. She felt her head was spinning. Five generations lived at same place!! And her father's job did not allow him to stay at one place for more than two years. And here he was talking about five generations. This was not what she had expected and she got an instant headache thinking of the mess she was in. All the courtesy to herself. It was a problem for him at least, if not for her.

"If the news spread, it will be end of everything. I want to give us a chance. If you too want same, I need you to be very discreet. There are many people here from my place. Some of my friends visit my home regularly and are in a very good terms with my mom. No one has seen the future. We don't know if we are even going to work or not or how long are we going to be together. I don't know if it matters to you or not but if you want us to continue, we are going to be together in this."

Hated- Really?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora