Part 27: Witty and Smart Mouth

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A.N: This chapter is dedicated to werrenp for comments and votes.
Thank you for your interest, votes, comments n suggestions. Enjoy reading!!

Shanaya had a good day with Rudra. Amazingly, he had not tried anything with her which was so not like him. Not that she was disappointed or something. She understood one thing about him that he loved his friends and family. Though he did not say it but there was a hidden warning that he would not let anyone break them apart.

Well she never intended to at first place. She herself had very less friends and no one knew her family better than her. She would never say it out loud to him or anyone for that matter that the very first thing that she had liked about him was his friend circle. She had seen it on her very first day how his friends respected him and were close to him. At least she was accepting now that she liked him as.... As what she didn't know but it was fine for now. Apparently, next day of the weekend was going to be a group outing.

This time, it was a shopping complex, not a mall. Since Shanaya and Natey were new to place, they had decided to select different places always so that they would get a bit familiar to the place.

The whole group was there and they were all chit chatting. Shanaya was slowly getting comfortable with most of them, especially with Lax. Though there was a guy whom she could never like, Andy whom she avoided as much as she could. But he was among the guys who could not keep themselves away from girls. Girls of all kinds..

Her reason to dislike him was not personal. It was the day when Shanon, her senior, had barged into her room and had demanded for Natey accusing her of various things, she had purposefully told them about her closeness with Mike and Rudra and also that Andy was married. That time Andy was the very first person to propose Natey and she was on cloud nine thinking she was so attractive, hot and sexy that as soon as she entered the college, guys were falling at her feet. And the revelation was like ice water on her head.

Shanaya hated such persons with full passion. She had been observing him staring every girl that passed by and kept commenting on their dress or make up in a disgusting way. Apparently he found it funny and was trying to cover up his ogling by his sneer comments. But Shanaya had it enough so she waited for next girl to pass by and as expected he sized her up and commented about her lipstick color.

"So bad that she didn't go with the one that you bought for her." Shanaya tsked at him.

He turned around to face her in his bewilderment. And then smiled and said:

"I did not buy her anything."

"Oh really?? I thought that was the only reason you were commenting." She still said with her grim expression. By now, everyone had attention on their little chit chat.

"No. I was just.."

"You were just what? When you did not buy things for those girls, who were you to comment on them as if you were disgusted. They have their own choices and they are bold enough to carry it with them. Can you be man enough to accept that you were openly gawking at them in appreciation and to hide your weakness you pretended to be disgusted?"

Poor fellow had never seen it coming. He opened his mouth to speak and then closed it again, repeating the same for a couple of more times. For a couple of seconds, there was complete silence in the group and then all of a sudden all guys started laughing including Rudra. Their laughter brought Shanaya out of the trance and she looked at Rudra who had an amusing glint in his eyes. Even the girls were smiling. Shanaya did not understand the reason for their amusement. She herself had started it as a humor but had got involved forgetting the people around. And with the laughter, they all proceeded to their next stop for eating. The day passed in roaming and shopping. While returning, as usual, the couples decided to go separate ways leaving Rudra and Shanaya.

"Why were you all laughing?" Shanaya asked once they were in the cab that Rudra had booked.

"Andy is someone who always has a comeback. The look on his face was priceless. And apart from that, the way you had said it, it was unexpected." He smiled softly at her, trying his best not to kiss that smart mouth.

"Unexpected? Why?"

"Usually, you are silent type so no one had expected that from you. Apart from that girls with whom Andy messes with, either keep quiet or don't bother. Its first time that someone has made him quiet."

Shanaya could not say anything. She was wondering why girls won't say anything to guys like that.

"By the way, why did you react that way?" Rudra asked her trying to understand her point of view.

"I don't know. Maybe I think that all the girls are beautiful and no one has right to say something on their appearance. Physical make up is not anyone's choice, its god gifted. Not only that I also think that the guys like him take advantage of the girls and hurt them. Girls are mostly innocent to get trapped."

This time Rudra could not control and started laughing again.

"Girls? Innocent? Trapped? You don't know them then and you have been put up in perfect hostel as well. The girls there will show you what girls are actually." And then he added softly, almost in whisper...

"Not everyone is like you. Don't be so naïve."

He was right. Shanaya knew the girls in her hostel. They openly talked about having boyfriends just for fun and receiving gifts. They were not attached emotionally. Best example was her roommate herself.

The whole ride was in comfortable silence and Shanaya being in her own thoughts did not even realize that Rudra was holding her hand till the end.

Next day went peacefully in her class. But evening was quite eventful. Shanaya woke up by the sudden noises in her room. Natey was throwing things and was going frantic.

"What's going on Natey?" Shanaya asked with concern.

"He can't do this to me. That bastard!! What does he think of himself?"

"Who did what? You are not making any sense."

"Mike!!! Who else? He broke up with me!!"



Hey guys!!

I hope you are enjoying Rudra and Shanaya.

I am starting my new story "Revenge of a Butterfly" today.

As the name suggests, it is a story of revenge with much more spicy elements, making it a content for adult readers, so reader's discretion is suggested. 

Apart from this, I am also entering Wattys 2016 with both my stories.

Your support has kept me motivated.

Thank you and Love you all.

This is the cover page for my new story. I hope you like this as well.

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