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This girl that used to be my best friend before she turned into a total bitch won't leave me alone, she texted me, then commented on my instagram and then sent me a snapchat. I'm lucky I don't have anymore social media.

This chapter is pretty long, and to make up for last chapter.

71. Those Were The Days...

"So, you're leaving with him?" Oliver asks as I zip up my suitcase.

"Yes, you said you're not leaving for a couple days, and I want to get home now so we're going together" I shrug.

"And his girlfriend? Your boyfriend?"

"Dylan's staying here though he might come out to Miami, and Aspen is going home"


"Nothing is going to happen" I cut him off "Calm down, I'll see you when you get to Miami" I drag my suitcase out of our room. When I get into the elevator my phone vibrates, signalling a text from Austin.

From: Austin :)

    I'm out front, hurry your ass up.

To: Austin :)

   You're so demanding. Kinda loving it ;) I'm walking out now

I slide my phone into my pocket and walk out of the elevator, seeing him leaning against his truck. He looks up from from his phone smiling at me. He opens the trunk, and grabs my suitcase.

"Thank you" I smile, getting into his car.

"No problem" He shrugs, closing the trunk, he walks to the drivers seat, getting in "I missed seeing you in jeans" He chuckles "Not saying you didn't look good in skirts, but you look more yourself" He adds and I laugh.

"Thank you, I missed wearing them"

"So, we have two options, 38 hours but there's a ton of construction and stuff going on so it could be longer, or 39 and if there's no traffic, it'd be 37"

"The second one" I nod.

"Alright, let's go then" He grins, driving off. We drive down the road, listening to the sound of the radio, until a familiar tune comes on.

"No way" I laugh, turning it up.

"Holy shit" He laughs with me. We sing along to the lyrics of 'Smile' by Avril Lavigne. We had considered this our song once Mark brought up how perfect the song fit our relationship. Once the song is over and our laughter dies down, Austin turns the volume back down to it's original setting.

"It's still a great song"

"Yeah it is" He nods "I haven't heard it in forever though"

"Is it because you listen to all that rap shit now?"

"Maybe" He shrugs.

"Ugh Austin, you're killing me" I groan "When did it all start?"

"Once I moved to LA" He says "And met Aspen" He adds quietly.

"Austin Carter, you changed for a girl. I'm disappointed" I fake a gasp, and he playfully shoves my shoulder "But that's like if I changed my music taste for Dylan. I'm not going to do it"

"Speaking of which, how are you two?" He changes the subject.

"I don't know" I shrug "We've been on at least 10 dates, and he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend, and whenever we're around his friends he just calls me his 'friend from class' and it's really frustrating because I don't know what I did wrong"

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