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Evelyn's first week contained Ron Weasley messing with her work in every class. She was now at the end of the week, and had defense against the dark arts. Their new professor was the ex Auror, Mad-Eye Moody. As usual there were Slytherins in the class as well. Evelyn took a seat next to her brother. Professor Moody walked in. She sensed something odd about him. It was the same feeling she had in her first year upon meeting Professor Quirel, who happened to have Voldemort on the back of his head.

"Alastor Moody, ex Auror and your new defense against the dark arts teacher. Now who can tell me about unforgivable curses?" Evelyn whipped her sketchbook out and began drawing. Her drawing was of a tall, slender man slipping a name in the goblet of fire. He was carrying a flask that looked familiar to the one her new professor carried with him. She had tuned out the beginning of Moody explaining the curses.

"Now the ministry thinks you're too young to see these curses. I say differently. Now, who can give me a curse?" Ron's hand went up. "Yes, Weasley?"

"My dad told me about one curse. The imperious curse."

"Your dad would say that one. Gave the ministry lots of trouble a couple years back." He limped on his peg leg and pulled out a spider. "Imperio!" The spider followed every movement the professor made with his wand. It flew throughout the classroom landing on a few people including Draco and Ron. After the spider had landed Moody yelled some more. Evelyn couldn't help but feel sorry for the spider.

"Anyone else know one?" Hermione's hand shot up and to everyone's surprise Neville raised his hand. He motioned towards the timid boy.

"There's the-the cruciartis curse." He said quietly. Evelyn flinched when she heard the name of the curse.

"Your name's Longbottom?" Neville nodded. Moody pointed his wand at the spider. "Crucio!" Evelyn's head fell and she covered her ears trying to block out what was happening. Her brother was trying to help her.

"Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering them!" Hermione Granger said motioning to Neville and Evelyn. The professor stopped and Evelyn was able to regain herself.

"Any others?" He asked once more. Hermione was called on and she whispered her answer.

"Avada Kedavra." Evelyn felt a pang in her chest upon hearing those two words.

"The killing curse. Only one wizard has been known to survive it, and he's sitting here in this room." All eyes went to Harry, except for Evelyn. She barely dealt with the cruciartis curse, she wouldn't be able to last through the last one. Moody raised his wand. "Avada Kedavra." Everything went black as Evelyn was transported through her memories.

"Evelyn Narcissa Malfoy!" Lucius Malfoy screamed. The girl, only seven years old slowly walked into her father's study. Her head was down and she was frightened. She could already tell he was drunk.

"Ye-yes father?"

"Come here you little bitch!" He yanked her by her hair. "You've pained me for too long! You ungrateful tarnish to our family name. You failed us once, you won't have the chance to do it again. I'm going to do what I attempted to do when it happened. I'm going to kill you, and this time your mother isn't here to save you. Avada Kedavra!" He screamed. The girl shrieked and fell to the floor. A voice began to speak to her as she was unconscious.

"Poor sweet girl. You dear are not ready to join us. You are needed in life. You are the key. Rejoin your brother and await, for a day shall come when your talent is needed. He will need you. You must help him or else you will perish. As long as you are willing to help him the enchantments on your souls shall stay. Choose his side, for the light will show you your destiny." A soft women spoke before Evelyn slipped back into reality. She awoke and stood up. Her father looked astounded.

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