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When Evelyn walked into the room heated, Hermione was shocked. Evelyn rarely got mad, but here she was angrily pulling out her trunk. She started shoving everything into it.

"Evelyn?" Hermione cautiously asked.

"What?" She demanded.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She continued to shove everything.

"Evelyn come on. Tell us what's wrong. We can..."

"Just mind your own business for once!" She snapped. Hermione looked shocked.

"O-okay. Come on Ginny." The two girls left an enraged Evelyn.

Sure she felt guilty for yelling at Hermione, but she deserved it. Evelyn didn't want to talk about what happened with Harry. It wasn't Hermione's business to know. She convinced herself of that as she finished packing.

At six o'clock Mrs. Weasley returned from Diagon Alley. She hung a sign for Hermione and Ron. Evelyn didn't want to go to their celebration. She wanted to be alone. Mrs. Weasley respected that. All the kids watched her as she walked up the stairs.

"Alright, what's going on with her?" Mrs. Weasley asked once Evelyn was out of sight.

"She's not having a good day." Harry said, glancing at Hermione.

"She snapped at Harry and I. It's just best we leave her alone for a while." Hermione said. Little did she know, Evelyn heard her. Once she got to her room she flopped onto her bed. She wanted to scream in her pillow, but then everyone would hear hear her.

Were they turning against her? She wished she had saw this in her vision. Evelyn was angry. She had a right to be. After everything that happened to her, she doesn't have to be happy. She can be angry. It felt good to be angry. It felt...normal. Like this was how she was supposed to feel.

That scared her. She was turning into a Malfoy. She didn't want to be like her father or brother, or other ancestors. She liked her friends, but they didn't understand her. They could easily drop her. They all had solid bonds.

Evelyn was new to the whole friendship thing. Sure she had been friends with Ginny and Neville, but that was different. She never really talked to them. She opened up to her new friends, especially Harry. She trusted him. She had to get rid of these thoughts. Now that Voldemort was back, there were only so many people she could trust. Harry was one of them.

Harry. That boy. Her emotions ran wild when it came to him. He was infuriating and she didn't want to be around him at the moment. Still, there was something deep inside of her that wanted to hold him and never let him go. Evelyn thought back to the night of her vision. He coaxed her back to reality. He seemed to be the only one who could. That night was once a blur, but now she could remember everything.

She remembered the pain and her desperate screams. She remembered them being taken away by him. She remembered clutching onto him. He picked her up and took her to his room. They lay together and she tried to put the pieces of the future together.

Before her thoughts on Harry could go any deeper, she heard the door open. She turned and saw Sirius standing in the opening. He smiled at her.

"Mind if I come in?" He asked while walking in. "Now, it's just a rumor, but I've heard you snapped at Harry and Hermione."


"What's going on? We're family, you can talk to me." She sighed.

"After being in the graveyard and Voldemort unlocking my visions, I lost a part of myself. I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing." She said. He motioned her to continue.

"I'm no longer afraid of my father, but now I've let my anger take control. I'm turning into Draco and I don't know if I like it or not."

"Evelyn, its good that you can stand up to people now. You should never be afraid of speaking your mind. From my understanding, Draco has no filter on his anger and opinions. You have a filter. Just remember that when one of them tries to talk, they aren't doing for themselves. They're doing it for you." She nodded.

"Hey party poopers! Get down here and eat." Tonks said in the door way. The two got up.

"You wanna head down with us?" Sirius asked her.

"Actually, I do. I have some apologizing." They all walked out of the room.

"You know what we should do?" Tonk said.


"Let's start an outcast family club. We've all been outcasted by the Malfoys and Blacks. Let's band together!" She put an arm around Evelyn's shoulder, as did Sirius. The walked into the kitchen smiling and laughing.

"Oh, Evelyn! I'm so glad you decided to come down. Here, eat." Mrs. Weasley handed her a plate. Right as she did Harry walked in with the real Alastor Moody. Evelyn sat the plate down and went to Harry.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked. He nodded and they walked out the door. She walked to the hallway and then stopped.

"I'm sorry about snapping at you. It was uncalled for."

"No, don't apologize. You were right. I was jealous and angry. I snapped first, I should be the one apologizing."

"No you shouldn't. I'm the one who needs to apologize."

"No, I do."

"No, me."

"No, Evelyn. It's my fault."

"Harry James Potter, let me apologize!"

"Evelyn Narcissa Malfoy, let me!"




Evelyn was cut off. Before she could continue to protest that the argument was her fault, Harry did something unimaginable. He kissed her. Evelyn was shocked, but she kissed him back. When they finally pulled back, the two looked at each other.

"What just happened?" Evelyn asked.

"We...we kissed."

"How do we...what do we..."

"I...I mean I don't...uh..."

"Do we just, pretend it didn't happen or...?"

"Maybe just pretend it didn't happen?"

"Okay. We can do that. Nothing happened, but we talked everything out. We're not mad at each other or anything like that."

"Okay. That works."

"Let's go rejoin the party."

They walked back inside and acted completely normal. And the plate that Evelyn put down before talking to Harry, was not picked up by her again.

Hi guys! I have some explaining to do on why I didn't update two weeks ago when I was supposed to

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Hi guys! I have some explaining to do on why I didn't update two weeks ago when I was supposed to. This chapter wasn't complete and was not looking good. When Tuesday came around, I refused to publish a chapter that I would look back on and curse my self for half assing it. So, I waited until this week to publish it. For now on, if I feel a chapter isn't ready to be published I'll wait to publish it.

Also THAT ENDING THOUGH! I finally have given you all what you want, but in my own way.

To my wattpad readers, thank you so much for 40k reads! I can't believe that so many people have read and actually like my story. I'm truly honored.

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