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Once they got back, everyone began celebrating. Fred, George, and Ginny kept chanting, he got off, until Mr. Weasley shushed them to inform Sirius of Lucius being at the ministry. Mrs. Weasley serves lunch as Mr. Weasley went back to work. Evelyn ate little and then excused herself. She walked up the stairs just before Harry clasped his hand over his scar.

"What's up?" Hermione asked in a concerned matter.

"Scar. But it's happens all the time now..." No one else had noticed Harry. The only other person who would have was already in her room.

"I'm starting to get even more worried about her." Hermione told him. "I don't think she realizes what she's doing."

"I know."

"She's just...she's so thin. It's not good, and I don't know how to tell her."

"I know."

"I'm going to try today. Wish me luck." Hermione said getting up and excused herself.

She walked up the stairs quietly. She slowly opened the door and peered inside. Evelyn sat with her back turned to the door on her bed. Hermione walked in and closed the door. Evelyn turned. In her hands was a black journal with a snake on it.

"Family member's journal?" Hermione asked. Evelyn nodded her head. She sat down next to her.

"A pureblood is to master the art of being superior. Though, during this time we can not banish those born to muggles, we can still prove our worth. We, as pureblood, were born superior. We are the master, the mudblood is merely a puddle in the road." She read aloud. "Truly terrible are my ancestors."

"Evelyn, there's no easy way to say this, but...well, we're worried about you." Hermione began. "You talk less, you eat less, you smile less. What's going on?"

"I...I don't even know. I've lost my family, I've lost being treated like everyone else, I just..." Evelyn began. "I read this journal everyday. To remind myself not to be like my ancestors. It helps, I think, but everything is still terrible."

"You have so many people willing to help you, Eve. I'm here for you, Ginny, Fred, George, even Ron. And if anyone knows what you're going through, it's Harry. Let us in. Let us help." She nodded. Hermione embraced her. "Maybe try drawing again. That always helped clear your mind."

"Can I have some time alone? To think?" Hermione nodded and walked out of the room.

Evelyn dug in her trunk to find the sketchbook Draco got her for Christmas. She began drawing the view from her window. It helped relax her. She took Hermione's words into consideration as she drew. They were all worried about her. She hated that. She didn't want anyone to have to worry about her. She wanted to be okay. Maybe if she started acting like she was fine, at least up until they went back to school, everyone would take her off their radar. There were more important things to worry about in her mind.

It was finally the last day of the summer holiday. Evelyn busied herself for the last few weeks and avoided people as much as possible. When she was at meals, she pretended to laugh and be happy. She started eating a bit more. Everyone was fooled.

"Your conversation with Evelyn really helped." Ginny told Hermione. "I haven't seen her this happy since before the last task."

"I'm just glad she listened to our concerns." Hermione said. They girls talked on more, thinking Evelyn was asleep.

The booklist had come in, and so had the prefect letters. The title was given to Hermione and Ron. Everyone was shocked that it wasn't Harry. Mrs. Weasley was ecstatic. Evelyn congratulated them both. Soon only Harry, Hermione, and Evelyn remained in the room. Evelyn could tell he was upset. Once Hermione left, she began questioning him.

"What's going on?" She asked him.

"Nothing." He said in an angry tone.

"Nothing isn't being rude to your friends, Harry."

"It's none of your business!" He yelled.

"To hell it isn't! Harry, you're bitter and jealous. You wanted that badge, and you don't think Ron deserves it." He looked away from her.

"No I don't."

"If you don't think that way, then look me in the eye and say it. Or, are you trying to to let the truth spill out?" He continued staring at the wall.

"That's what I thought. Now, get over yourself before dinner. Nobody wants to be around your attitude." She said and walked out.

Harry couldn't believe what he just witnessed. Evelyn yelled at him. She never yelled at anyone, other than her brother. She pulled a Draco on him, and he didn't like it. It was totally out of character for her. She called him bitter and jealous! He couldn't believe it.

Evelyn felt a rush. She could keep going. She could go around and be angry towards everyone. She could explode on Hermione or Ron. She didn't like that. Is this what Draco feels, she wondered. If acting rude always felt like this, she understood why her brother did it so much.

I know it's a shorter chapter, but next chapter will be good, I promise! Thanks for sticking around. See you in the next update.


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