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While Evelyn had expected a vision soon, she didn't expect one her first night at back at Hogwarts. The timing was almost comical. Her and Hermione were laying in their beds, discussing the things they were most excited for in the upcoming school year. The lights were already off, as the girls knew they needed to at least try to sleep. Their only source of light was the moon as it shined through the windows.

Evelyn felt at peace. She felt, well, normal. Her and one of her best friends, chatting under the moonlight. This is what normal kids do, she thought. They don't have to worry about knowing the fates or the constant threat of Voldemort. How she wished this could last. She wondered why out of all people, she was the one carrying the burden of the future.

Evelyn missed her simple drawings. Sketches depicting very little of the events. Like the one of the champions, or Harry and the dragon. Ones that were harder to figure out. She could be blamed for not sharing the truth. If something terrible happened,and Evelyn knew about it, who knows what her friends and fellow members of The Order of The Phoenix would do. She didn't know what to do.

She was afraid to tell people their futures. This wasn't what her gift was for. Evelyn refused to use it as Voldemort intended to. She wouldn't not pour the secrets of the future and serve it to all who she felt dear to. She could not burden them of knowing their fate. It's better off they don't know, she told herself.

The conversation with Hermione had ended long ago, but Evelyn was still wide awake. Nothing could put her to sleep. She tried to close her eyes and clear her mind. The opposite happened. All of a sudden she felt the familiar pain run down her body. She gripped the sheet, and screamed as loud as possible.
Scenes flew quickly across her mind, in the rush of vision she picked out the most present of events.

A hand with a deep and bloody scar flashed many times, each time getting worse. Umbridge was sitting at her desk, flashing a devilish smile. The hand came into focus. Evelyn read the words, "I must not tell lies"

She also saw the stares and whispers she would receive. Those were not new. The root of them had changed. Now her peers thought of her as a liar, along with harry. They believed the garage that was published in the Daily Prophet. They refused to accept that Voldemort was alive.

She saw herself sitting in a crammed room. She guessed it to be somewhere away from the castle. Hogsmeads made the most sense. Around her were students from almost all the houses. At the front of the room stood Harry and Hermione. What they were discussing was unknown to Evelyn. She would have to figure it out later.

Her visions came to a halt as a pleasantly familiar face came into view. Harry was cupping her face with one hand and supporting her with the other. The pounding in her head subsided, along with the pain that had flooded through her. She looked up at Harry once she was completely back. His hair was slightly more messy that usual, which was a shock as she thought it couldn't get messier. Not that she didn't like it. It was a mess on purpose, not just because he was lazy. In the dim room his eyes still glowed just as bright as they would in the sunlight.

Evelyn loved how much of a comfort Harry was to her. When she was around him she felt understood. She knew he could never judge her. It warmed her heart. He felt like home to her. He also smelled really good, but she would never admit out loud that he smelled nice. That would be weird. It was already weird enough she had smelt him, but what can you do when you're inches apart from someone?

She could go on and on just staring at him. Sadly, staring at Harry wasn't a productive hobby. Especially after a vision.

"Evie, come on. Come back to us. Please Evie." She heard Harry say as she fully left her trance.

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