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The day had finally come. It was Halloween, and the students from Durmstrang and Beaubaton were arriving. Through out the month, Harry had started spending more time with Evelyn. He'd try to sit near her more in class, and began asking her for help in potions. She had agreed to help him, and often times they just talked. Well, Harry talked and Evelyn wrote. She wasn't quite comfortable with him yet.

All the students sat in the great hall, awaiting the entrance of the students from the two schools. Their arrival was the topic of conversation for all, except Evelyn. She was too busy drawing, as she usually did. She had been sitting next to Harry with Ron and Hermione in front of her. Ginny sat next to Hermione, and Neville was next to Evelyn. As the students from the two schools made their arrivals everyone, but Evelyn, was awed by their performances.

Evelyn looked up and glanced at one of the Beaubaton's girls. She had long silvery blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Without a second thought she drew the girl's face. Then came Durmstang. She watched and found the face of Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian seeker. She drew his face too. She looked around the room and her eyes fell on a hufflepuff boy. He looked to be older, but Evelyn only saw him for a split second before drawing his face.

   Underneath she wrote, Three Champions. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. After short glances at these three people, she had managed to draw them perfectly, and know that they were to champions. Yet she was extremely puzzled on why she still felt an urge to draw. Usually her drawings came one at a time. Nevertheless, she flipped the page and continued, spacing out while her quill raced against the paper. Coming back to reality she gasped. There I front of her was a drawing of the three champions, but alongside them was Harry Potter and herself. They were all posed together. Underneath the picture was the words, The Champions.

   Evelyn slammed the notebook closed and stared at professor Dumbledore. She had no clue what he was talking about because the picture filled her mind. She had already drawn Harry facing a dragon, someone at night placing a paper into what was now known as The Goblet of Fire, the faces of the three champions, and herself and Harry with them. Never had she drawn so much relating to the future. She also had never made a mistake. She hoped these would be her first mistake.

It had been two days since halloween night, which meant the Goblet of Fire was to choose the three champions. Evelyn had not been able to focus on anything other than her drawings. She tried to figure out how to stop the events from happening. For the first time she was too afraid to go to Professor Dumbledore. If she didn't show him them, maybe it wouldn't happen, she thought. They had an hour until the champions were to be chosen. No one had been in the Gryffindor common room, other than Evelyn. She was trying to sequence her drawings and figure them out.

"What are you doing?" Evelyn turned around and was shocked to see Hermione. She tried to block her work but Hermione had already seen a picture. "Is that Harry battling a dragon?" She shook her head no furiously, but Hermione pushed her out of the way. "What are these?"

"I'm a seer. I draw the future." She quietly.

"I don't understand. Don't seer's use crystal balls and tea cups? That's what Trelawny did when I attended her class."

"Not all do. I certainly don't."

"But how can I know you're telling the truth?" Evelyn showed her the pictures from the previous year's.

"In our first year you, Ronald, and Harry fought professor Quirrell for the philosopher's stone. Only few saw it. In our second year the entrance to The Chamber of Secrets was Moaning Myrtle's bathroom but specifically this sink. Fawkes brought the sorting hat to Harry in the chamber and the Sword of Gryffindor was in it. Last year you and Harry used this time turner to save Sirius Black and he rode off with BuckBeak the Hippogriff." She showed the drawings to Hermione.

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