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Days later, during another meeting, Harry had supposedly arrived. Everyone who volunteered to get him came back and joined the meeting. She wished more than anything to leave and find Harry, but she had to stay. Dumbledore said her life was too important and she didn't have enough training. That led Evelyn to be stuck sitting in a meeting while everyone else was welcoming Harry and making sure he was okay.

She didn't understand why everyone wanted to be in the meetings so badly. She found them boring. Her thoughts too often drifted past the topic at hand. Everybody who wasn't allowed in would question Evelyn. She hated telling them that she was sworn to secrecy, but that was the price she paid.

This meeting was a so called "important" meeting when really it was just news from Snape about the death eaters. She knew what the death eaters and Voldemort would be doing. They'd be plotting and trying to find her. Finally the meeting ended. Evelyn stood in the kitchen waiting until she heard a crash.

"Not again." She muttered to herself before walking out to the hallway. Sirius tried to yell at the portrait.

"Let me. Hello Mrs. Black." She said.

"Oh, Evelyn! How wonderful! A pureblood who knows it. How proud I am! My son should take some notes."

"Mrs. Black could you please stop yelling at the blood traitors?" She asked politely.

"Anything for you dear." Sirius and Lupin were then able to close the curtains. They all walked into the kitchen as Sirius explained the portrait situation to Harry. Mrs.Black's portrait yelled at everyone except Evelyn.

"Why doesn't she yell at you?" Harry asked.

"First night I came here I said a load of rubbish about how I'm playing all of you. She ate it up and loves me now. Also, sorry about the whole blood traitor thing." She said apologizing.

"We've already told you, nothing you say to that portrait offends us." Mrs. Weasley told her.

During her stay, Mrs. Weasley treated Evelyn like family. When she saw how thin Evelyn had gotten she freaked out and always made sure she was eating enough food. She felt awful every time she had to insult them to get Mrs. Black's portrait to shut up. She always apologized and got the same response. They told her it was fine, but she felt so guilty doing it.

Mr. And Mrs. Weasley went to the kitchen to cook dinner. Evelyn sat quietly as everyone else talked. Harry was the only one who noticed something was off about Evelyn. She was always quiet, but her facial expression had changed. She used to have a light in her eyes and a small smile. She was calm. Now the light was gone and she had a harsher, more intense look, like she was thinking too hard.

That night at the graveyard changed Evelyn, he thought. She was different. It also didn't help that she was living under the same roof as Voldemort. He noticed her changes, unlike the rest. He eyes were dull and grey. They showed her pain. He missed her gorgeous blue eyes. He wanted to get lost in them again. She was so pale and thin that he couldn't help but worry. He didn't know if she had been starved while at her home or if it was due to stress, but he did not like it. She also grew so that she was the same height as him. That made her look even skinnier, in an unhealthy way. He missed the old Evelyn.

Evelyn zoned out at dinner. Harry noticed she only had one serving. He got even more worried. Evelyn couldn't think straight. She didn't know why. A conversation erupted after dinner and yelling was involved. She didn't hear anything until her name was mentioned by Fred.

"Harry's not even of age! Neither is Evelyn, but she's in the order." She perked up at that.

"It's not my fault you haven't been told what the Order's doing, that's your parents' decision. Harry and Evelyn on the other hand -" Sirius defended.

"It's not down to you to decide what's good for Harry! You haven't forgotten what Dumbledore said, I suppose?" Mrs. Weasley said.

"Which bit?"

"The bit about not telling Harry more than he needs to know."

Then, after more arguing it had been decided that Ginny would have to leave that way Harry could be filled in. Evelyn sat and listened to the information she already knew. Then Mrs. Weasley came down and stopped before they found out the most important piece of information. Evelyn walked up to bed with the rest of the kids and went to the room she shared with Hermione and Ginny.

Evelyn listened as Hermione quietly filled Ginny in on everything. Evelyn changed into her pajamas and went to bed. The girls knew not to bother her. Evelyn felt herself slipping from reality, but not into a sleeping state. The pain hit her hard as everything surfaced in her mind. She saw Harry's trial up to the beginning of the school year until she heard a familiar voice.

"Evelyn, it's okay. You're okay. Just open your eyes. You'll be okay." She stopped screaming and grabbed onto Harry. She knew everyone would be in the room.

"Ron, why don't you switch rooms with Evelyn for a night?" Mrs. Weasley said. Ron started to argue but then Fred and George smacked him upside the head.

"Sure." He said bitterly.

Harry picked up Evelyn bridal style and took her into the room he was supposed to be sharing with Ron. He laid he down on his bed and got in it. She stayed close to him and he stroked her face. She fell asleep soon after, as did Harry.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while, but I've had bad writers block. I've also been super sick. I finally went to the doctors and I wasn't even told was what I had. But now I have to have an inhaler. When I was younger I had bad asthma and I hadn't had any problems until recently. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will be out soon! Also to my Wattpad readers, thank you so much for 20k reads! It means so much to me that I've gotten this far. I love you all!


The Mute Malfoyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें