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The next morning Harry woke up to George shaking him awake. He looked and saw Evelyn still in the same bed as him. He looked and saw George smirking.

"Mum says get up, your breakfast is in the kitchen, and then she needs you in the drawing room. There are loads more Doxys than she thought and she's found a nest of dead Puffskeins under the sofa." He whispered.

"What about..."

"Leave her here. Mum's orders." Half an hour later Harry was downstairs with everyone else. Mrs. Weasley was explaining what they were doing today.

"What about Evelyn?" Harry asked.

"After what happened last night, she needs to rest." Mrs. Wesley said. Once she left the room the talking began.

"Mum never wakes her and hates when she tries to help." Ron said.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Haven't you noticed how thin she's gotten? It's unhealthy and she won't talk about it. She barely eats and used to barely sleep." Hermione said.

"Mum wants her healthy before we start fifth year." Ron replied.

"We all do, Ron. She's been through so much and is reacting towards it negatively." Hermione said.

Evelyn woke to the sound of Mrs. Black's portrait screaming. She stood up and realized what had happened the night before as she walked down the stairs. The events replayed in her head as she calmed the portrait. She closed the curtains and greeted Sirius and Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"Sirius, where are the others?" She asked.

"In the drawing room." He said as the two walked into another room and closed the door. Evelyn walked to the door and opened it. Everyone turned to her.

"Evelyn, what are you doing up?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"I heard Mrs. Black's portrait and quieted her down."

"I want you back upstairs, and in bed. After last night, you need rest." She nodded and walked out and back up the stairs.

"Harry, go fix her a plate. And make sure..." Mrs. Weasley began.

"I know." He said. She smiled as he walked to the kitchen.

Harry took the amount of food she would normally eat and doubled it. He walked up the stairs and went into the girl's room. Evelyn sat on her bed with a book in her hand. She turned her head and smiled at Harry. He returned the smile and headed over to her. He sat on the edge of her bed.

"Mrs. Weasley sent me." He said handing her the plate. She took it and began eating.

Evelyn knew what the others had been saying about her and her weight. She didn't think there had been any change in her weight. She just didn't ever feel hungry. Harry sat and watched her. She knew she'd have to eat the majority of the food for him to be happy. So she decided to suck it up and eat.

"How are you feeling after what happened last night?" He asked.

"I feel fine. I just hate that I can't help."

"Maybe it's good that you rest for the day. That way nothing happens." He said.

"Thank you for caring and for being there for me. I wouldn't know what I'd do without you." She said after she finished her breakfast.

"N-no problem." He said blushing. She tipped her head down a bit to hide her blush. They sat there, in silence.

"I, uh, better go down there and help." He said grabbing her plate and standing up.

"I'll come back in a little bit, okay?"

"Okay." She said. He smiled and walked out the door.

Evelyn grabbed her pillow and stuffed her face in it. She couldn't believe she blushed in front of him. How embarrassing! Sure, he blushed, but he probably felt so awkward because she blushed first.

Little did she know, Harry was also scolding himself for blushing. She tipped her head down because she felt too awkward by him. He wanted to go back, but at the same time he wanted to stay as far away from Evelyn as possible. He didn't want her to end up hating him because he had a slight crush on her.

Evelyn spent the morning reading. She eventually changed out of her pajamas as well. Near noon she heard the wailing of Mrs. Black. With a book in her hand she walked down the stairs and into the hallway. She spoke to the portrait and calmed it down. Mrs. Weasley said she was going to get lunch and that Evelyn should join the others in the drawing room. She nodded and walked in. They all looked up at her. She then noticed the extendable ears. She nodded and sat down to continue her book. They all sat silently listening until kreacher walked into the room muttering.

"Hello Kreacher." Fred said loudly while closing the door.

"Kreacher did not see young master. Nasty little brat of a blood traitor it is."

"Sorry? Didn't catch that last bit." George responded.

"Kreacher said nothing." He then went ok to speak of George. He talked about Hermione and Harry.

"This is Harry, Kreacher. Harry Potter."

"The mudblood is talking to Kreacher as though she is my friend, if Kreacher's mistress saw him in such company, oh, what would she say -"

"Enough with the name calling Kreacher." Evelyn said with power in her voice.

"Yes, Miss Malfoy." He said. Harry looked to her.

"I've got a way with house elves." She whispered to him.

Kreacher went on to speak more of Harry and about his scar. Then Sirius came in and eventually shooed Kreacher away. He talked about the Black family tapestry. He said certain people had been burned out, disowned.

"I see Tonks isn't on here. Maybe that's why Kreacher won't take orders from her - he's supposed to do whatever anyone in the family asks him -"

"You and Tonks are related?" Harry asked surprised.

"Oh, yeah, her mother Andromeda was my favorite cousin." Said Sirius.

"No, Andromeda's not on here either, look-" Evelyn looked and saw two familiar names; Her mother and Aunt Bella.

"Andromeda's sisters are still here because they made lovely, respectable pure-blood marriages, but Andromeda married a muggle-born, Ted Tonks, so-" he pointed to the burned name. She then saw her own name on the tapestry.

"You're related to the Malfoy's!" Harry said surprised.

"Harry we told you that after the second task. Remember?" Evelyn said.

"Oh, yeah." He said. Sirius went on to explain how all pure blood families are interrelated.

They then started talking about Bellatrix. Evelyn knew what her aunt had done, but she could never truly believe it. She'll always know her as Aunt Bella. She had few memories of her Aunt Bella, and they we're all good. She decided that until her aunt did something unforgivable in front of her, she would still be family. And no one could change her mind on that.

 And no one could change her mind on that

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