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The next morning Evelyn woke up and the events of the night before ran through her brain. First it was the kiss with Harry, that certainly did NOT happen. At least they agreed that it didn't. Then there was the boggart incident.

The night before

Evelyn heard Harry's shouts were heard from the drawing room. She instantly ran towards the screaming with Lupin, Moody, and Sirius following her. She opened the room to find Mrs. Weasley bawling and trying to cast a spell. Harry was shouting, trying to get her out of the room. On the floor lay Harry, dead.

"Harry?" Evelyn looked at him. A crack was heard. The dead Harry changed into Evelyn. Finally lupin cast the boggart away. Evelyn couldn't believe that Mrs. Weasley cared for her enough that her greatest fear would involve Evelyn.


She was the first of the girls to awake. She got dressed and brushed her teeth. She slipped her trunk into her small bag and walked out of the room. Mrs. Weasley passed her.

"Oh, Evelyn, you're up. Good. Where's your trunk?"

"In my bag." She said and pointed to the bag the hung on her shoulder.

"Undetectable extension charm?"


"Okay. Head down there and wait for everyone else."

Evelyn walked down the stairs and sat on a little couch. She waited thirty minutes. All around everyone was racing to get ready to leave. Fred and George charmed their trunks, but ended up hitting Ginny. That resulted in a loud scolding from Mrs. Weasley. Finally Harry made it downstairs. The two looked at each other and then looked away. Even though they agreed not to speak of the kiss, things were still awkward.

"Harry, Evelyn, you're to come with me and Tonks." Mrs. Weasley told them. "Leave your trunk and your owl, Alastor's going to deal with the luggage...oh, for heavens sake, Sirius, Dumbledore said no!" Evelyn looked to the familiar black dog.

"Well, on your own head it'll be!" She opened the door and the four of them walked out.

"Where's Tonks?" Harry asked as they stepped off the steps.

"She's waiting for us just up here." Mrs. Weasley said. An old woman stood on the corner. She had tightly curled grey hair and wore a large purple hat.

"Wotcher, Harry, Evelyn." The woman said to them. Evelyn recognized the woman as Tonks in disguise. "Better hurry up, hadn't we, Molly?"

"I know, I know."

It took them twenty minutes to make it to
Kings Cross Station. Sirius was extremely happy to entertain then by catching cats. Evelyn and Harry didn't speak to each other the whole way there. Things were awkward to say the least. When they made it to the station, the waited until people weren't looking and walked through Platforms 9 and 10. Moody came with the luggage as the rest of their group appeared. Everyone said their goodbyes.

"Make sure to stay out of trouble. Evelyn, dear, eat while you're there. Please." Mrs. Weasley said.

"I will. Goodbye." She hugged the woman. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed her brother and parents. Her father had a look of anger and disgust. Her mother seemed sad.

"Goodbye, Snuffles." She said to Sirius, bending down to pet and hug him. She was the first of the kids to get on the train. They all stood by the windows and waved. Sirius chased the train until it left.

"He shouldn't have come with us." Hermione said concerned.

"Oh, lighten up. He hasn't seen daylight for months, poor bloke." Ron said. The twins left after that claiming they had some business to do.

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