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A girl sat on a bed and stared at the room around her. She had not left this room since she arrived home. She locked herself in, refusing to speak to anyone but her house elf. She was empty and hallow. She had received no letters, and was happy. It was too risky for anyone to send letters to her. He was living with them.

He had taken residence at her manor. Her father offered up his home to his lord, who willingly accepted. Everyday her father would knock on the door and tell her He wanted to see her. He only wanted her for her gift; or what she called a curse. He had unlocked something horrific inside her, leaving her with nightmares every night.

The girl had changed much after He came. Her platinum blonde hair grew longer and now ended at the small of her back. Her once rosy cheeks were as pale as her skin. Surprisingly she had grown taller, but she thinned as she grew. Her once blue-grey eyes were hardly blue anymore. They were more grey than they had ever been.

The girl was Evelyn Malfoy. She was determined to break out of her manor, or as she liked to call it; prison. He was the Dark Lord. He so desperately wanted her on his side, for the girl had a gift. She would get visions of the future. The visions, though, were extremely painful and only one person had seemed to be able to help her out of it. Harry Potter.

She knew what was to happen soon. She was to get a letter from Hermione saying that she could come to the order's safe house. She also knew that the night she was to leave was the night the Dark Lord would want her to be marked. The time she spent in her room was spent going through her items and packing what she needed. She did not intend to ever return to the Manor. All of her important belongings; clothes, books, ancestors journals, ingredients, etc., were now safely packed in a small bag that happened to have an undetectable extension charm on it.

One morning she awoke to the sounds of an owl tapping on her window. She let the owl in and grabbed the letter.

Dumbledore's asked me to write and tell you that we need you to meet us at The Leaky Cauldron before the sunsets tonight. There will be someone waiting to safely take you to headquarters. Be warned they'll interrogate you before leaving. See you tonight.
Yours truly,
Hermione Granger

For the first time since the day of the third task, Evelyn Malfoy smiled. She was beyond relived that she would finally leave her prison. She planned on grabbing her last minute items and flying out the window until there was a knock.

"Evelyn open this door." Her father told her.

"No." She said back.

"Evelyn Narcissa Malfoy! As your father I command you to..."

"I've told you all a million times, I will not leave my room. I will not speak to the dark lord and I will not join his side! You're wasting your time!"

"I expect you to be out of this room by sunset. We shall all discuss these matters at dinner tonight." She could hear him through the door walking away.

"Oh I'll be out of this room all right."

She began grabbing some of the items she planned on packing last minute and went through her books to make sure she had the important ones. As she did that, she thought of the changes in her attitude. The night she witnessed Cedric die and she felt the pain of a vision had changed her. She used to look at life in a different way and never would have yelled at her father. Now she had lost the part of herself like that, and she didn't know whether or not she'd get it back.

She liked not fearing him anymore. She was told by her mother the truth. Thanks to Narcisssa Malfoy and Lily Potter, Evelyn would be safe as long as she sided with Harry Potter. Her mother had not spoken to her since the day after the last Triwizard Tounament task. Her mother knew what lied ahead.

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