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The next week Evelyn continued on trying to figure out the egg's clue. She was desperate to figure it out. Between every class she would be sitting with the egg, trying to draw something. She didn't realize how much she was relying on her gift until Harry ran up to her one morning.

"Evelyn!" He yelled, puling her out of her trance.

"What's wrong Harry?" She asked, closing her sketch book.

"I figured it out! I got the clue." Evelyn was shocked. She was sure that she would have drew the clue before Harry figured it out.


"At the Yule Ball, Cedric told me to take a bath. I thought it was strange and didn't do it until last night. The egg has to be submerged under water to hear the message." Evelyn quickly opened her sketch book and began drawing. Harry watched in awe as she quickly drew the face of one of the merpeople. Under it she wrote,

"Come seek us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing above the ground,

And while you're searching, ponder this:

We've taken what you'll sorely miss,

An hour long you'll have to look,

And to recover what we took,

But past an hour-- the prospect's black,

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."

"That's exactly what I heard!" Harry explained after reading the message.

"What are they taking from us?"

"I have no idea, but get this. I saw Snape and Moody arguing. Someone broke into Snape's office. I saw on the map that it was Barty Crouch!"

"What map?" She asked.

"The Maurarders Map." He said like she should have known exactly what it was.

"I've never heard of it."

"It belonged to my dad and his friends. It shows you all of Hogwarts and where everyone is."

"Well, that explains why you're able to sneak out all the time and not get caught." She joked.

"I'd show it to you, but Moody's got it. I s'pose he's looking for more clues of who entered our names."

"You know, I should probably go and talk to him about one of my drawings."

"The one with the man at the cup, right?"

"Yeah, exactly." She was surprised that Harry automatically knew what drawing. They said their goodbyes and Evelyn headed to the Defense Against The Dark Arts class room. She saw it was empty so walked up to the office door. Before she could knock the professor opened it.

"Malfoy, come in." He said. She walked in and looked around.

There were so many different gadgets that she assumed were used for catching dark wizards. It was darker than it had been the previous years. She could remember in her second year, Professor Lockhart had decorated with pictures of himself. Professor Lupin's had been her favorite. There was always something new and fascinating to find.

"I assume your visit is important. I don't think you'd want to see me unless it was, after the situation with your brother." She could vividly remember the day he had turned her brother into a ferret.

Before the first task

"Why so tense Potter? Father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament." Her brother jumped down from the tree he was sitting in.

"He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five." His two goons laughed. Evelyn rolled her eyes as she stood next to Harry.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy! He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic!" Draco spoke and pulled out his wand. As he was about to curse Harry, Professor Moody came out of no where.

"Oh, no you don't sonny." He waved his wand and her brother became a ferret.


"I'll teach you to curse somebody when their back is turned!" He began moving the ferret around in the air. Evelyn was horrified and ran towards her brother, trying to grab ahold of him.

"Professor stop!" She protested, but he continued messing with him.

"You stinking, cowardly, scummy...!"

"Professor Moody! What are you doing?" Professor McGonagall had come just as he sent the ferret down Goyle's pants.

"Teaching." Professor Moody grumbled, not stopping what he was doing.

"Teach - is that a student?"

"Technically it's a ferret."

"Ms. Malfoy is that your brother?" The professor questioned her. Evelyn nodded yes. She changed him back to a human.

"My father will hear about this!" He yelled.

"Is that a threat?" Draco ran around the tree, Moody following him.

"Is that a threat? Is that a threat?"

"Professor Moody! Professor!"

"I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair, boy!"


"It doesn't end here!"

"Alastor, we never use transfiguration as a punishment. Surely Dumbledore told you that?"

"He might have mentioned it."

"Well then. Do well to remember it! Ms. Malfoy I suggest you find your brother and take him to the hospital wing to rest. It's the best thing for him to do after being in that state."


"Harry told me that you had his map and that you were using to to find out who put our names in the Goblet of Fire. I'm a seer, and I drew this earlier this year. I thought it might help." She showed him the drawing of the man. He seemed surprised.

"I believe that whoever this man is, is who's responsible for mine and Harry's names being put in the cup."

"Thank you for sharing Ms. Malfoy. It certainly did help. I'm one step closer, thanks to you."

"I'm glad I could help professor."

"Well, off with you now. Your first class should be starting soon." She left his office and headed to her first class, happy that she not only figures the egg out, but also helped in finding who put her name in the cup.

I totally forgot about the scene were Draco was turned into a ferret so I thought that this would be a good place to put it. As I said before, chapters are getting longer because the story is progressing. Also wattpad has a 200 chapter limit and I'm kind of afraid of hitting it. I don't know if Quotev has a chapter limit.

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