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They quickly made their way down to the room it was being held in. They were late. Evelyn had forgotten that detail and felt horrible. She knew that they would change the time. Luckily she informed Dumbledore beforehand. Mr. Weasley directed them to the room. Harry was too nervous so Evelyn opened the door.

The dark room made Harry more nervous. He wished that Evelyn's words about the hearing would help him, but they didn't. Maybe she meant that it went horribly wrong and that he'd be okay afterwards. He was at the breaking point when Evelyn squeezed him arm to let him know she was there for him.

"You're late."

"Sorry. I didn't know the time had been changed."

"That is not the Wizengamot's fault. An owl was sent to you this morning. Take your seat." Evelyn stood in the back as Harry took a seat in the chair. She recognized Percy, the disowned Weasley. It took everything in her power not to yell at him for how awful he had treated his parents. They began to list all of those involved in the trial.

"Witnesses for the defense, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." Everyone was shocked to see Dumbledore, but Evelyn just smiled.

Dumbledore made two chairs appear on each side of Harry. Evelyn sat in one of them. They read off Harry's charges. A woman began questioning Harry of his patronus. Fudge continued talking about how he did it in front of a muggle.

"I did it because of the dementors!" Harry yelled.

"Dementors? What do you mean, boy?" Amelia Bones asked.

"I mean there were three dementors down that alleyway and they went for me, my cousin, and Evelyn."

"Ah. Yes. Yes, I thought we'd be hearing something like this."

"Dementors in Little Whinging? I don't understand..." Madame Bones said.

"Don't you, Amelia? Let me explain. He's been thinking it through and decided Dementors would make a very nice little cover story. Very nice indeed. Muggles can't see Dementors, can they boy? Highly convenient , highly convenient..."

"I'm not lying!" Harry tried to explain but he was silenced.

"Enough, enough!" Fudge said.

"I'm sorry to interrupt what I'm sure would have been a very well-rehearsed story...."

"We do, in fact, have two witnesses to the presence of Dementors in that alleyway. Other than Dudley Dursley, I mean."

"We haven't got time to listen to tarradiddles, I'm afraid, Dumbledore. I want this dealt with quickly."

"I may be wrong, but I am sure that under the Wizengmot Charter of Rights, has the right to present witnesses for his or her case? Isn't that the policy of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Madame Bones?" Dumbledore asked.

"True. Perfectly true."

"Oh, very well, very well. Where are these people."

"One outside and the other is already sitting here." Harry's neighbor walked in and Dumbledore made an extra chair appear next to his.

"Full name?"

"Arabella Doreen Figg." The woman said. She talked a bit about the dementors until Fudge looked to Evelyn.

"Full name?" He asked.

"Evelyn Narcissa Malfoy." She said, sitting up a bit straighter. A few people gasped and the majority leaned forward.

"Please describe what was happening."

"Well, Harry is one of my friends from school. I thought it would be nice to pay him a visit, as none of his other friends live near by. As I was walking I spotted Harry and his cousin. I ran to them. We were walking until the air grew colder. We ran into an alley. Then the dementors came. Just before it could do any damage, Harry cast the patronus charm and saved my life, as well as his cousin's. That is what happened."

"Are you sure, Ms. Malfoy?" The minister said. He obviously expected a different answer from her.

"Yes, sir. I am sure." They went on to question Harry's neighbor.

After her description of what happened she was sent out. Evelyn stayed. Fudge questioned why dementors would be there. Dumbledore made note that someone must have ordered them to go there. An argument arose between the two, but Evelyn already knew why and how it would resolve. Then came Dolores Umbridge. Evelyn recited the events that she had already seen through her brain. She waited out the arguments that Fudge caused and watch Dumbledore smart his way out of all of them. She zoned out a bit until she heard the magic words.

"Those in favor of clearing the witness of all charges?" Madame Bones asked. She watched as the majority raised their hands.

"And those in favor of conviction?" Less than a dozen people raised their hands.

"Very well, very well...cleared of all charges." Fudge said angrily.

"Excellent. Well, I must be getting along. Good-day to you all." Dumbledore rose and rushed out of the room.

Evelyn stood up and saw Harry still sitting. She lightly tapped him and he stood up. They walked out of the room. Once there, Harry sprinted while Evelyn walked at a normal pace. They found Mr. Weasley at the end of the hall.

"Dumbledore didn't..."

"Cleared of all charges!" Then the court came out. Percy came out last and Harry had to grab Evelyn's wrist to stop her from hexing him. She then hugged him.

"I told you that you would be fine." She said.

"I know, I know."

They began walking. Harry asked Mr. Weasley about a toilet that had a jinx on it that they were discussing before the hearing. Mr. Weasley began explaining before he stopped mid sentence. Evelyn turned her head. This was what she was dreading. There, standing with the minister of magic, was her father.

"Well, well, well,....Patronus Potter. Hello Evelyn."

"Father." She said, holding back her anger towards him.

"Quite astonishing, the way you continue to wriggle out of very tight holes....snakelike, in fact."

"Yeah, yeah I'm good at escaping."

"And my dear daughter, how we have missed you at home. Are you enjoying spending the summer with your friends? If not, you can always come home." She caught his message instantly; The dark lord wants you back and I intend to take you home with me today.

"I'm having a wonderful time, father." She shot back.

"And Arthur Weasley too! What are you doing here, Arthur?"

"I work here."

"Not here, surely? I thought you were up on the second floor...don't you do something that involves sneaking muggle artifacts home and bewitching them?"


Evelyn watched as Harry asked her father what he was doing here. Her father went on to explain how it wasn't his business to know. Once they were gone, Harry asked again.

"Harry, my father donates a lot of money to the ministry. It gives him an entry into what he wants. How else would I be able to do magic outside of Hogwarts? He's very well connected." She explained to him. He nodded and they got into the lift.

Hey guys, I've got exciting news. I'm going to start updating my books on a schedule. My two main, and favorite books, Claimed and The mute Malfoy, will now be updated on Tuesdays/Wednesdays. They will be alternating so you'll get two chapters a month now. The weekends, though, are fair play. I'll update whatever book and whenever on Friday through Sunday.


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