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       After Herbology and Professor Sprout's repetitive speech on the importance of their O.W.L.S., Evelyn and her friends had finally completed their classes for the day, and made their way to the great hall. Today was a head straight for dinner day, they had decided. Evelyn and Harry had detention at 5 o'clock, and she knew that they wouldn't want to be late. Just as they reached the entrance to the great hall, Angelina Johnson bombarded Harry about the detention he had earned from Umbridge. Evelyn got lucky she only had one day of detention so she could make it to quidditch tryouts. They headed towards the table once Angelina was done accosting Harry.

"What'd you reckon are the odds of Umbridge letting you off on Friday?" Ron asked

"Less than zero." Harry replied.

Evelyn, while gathering her dinner, replied,"I can sadly confirm you're correct."

"I hope she doesn't keep us too long this evening. You realize we've got to write three essays, practice vanishing spells for McGonagall, work outa counter-charm for Flitwick, finish the Bowtruckle drawing, and start that stupid dream diary for Trelawney." Harry listed off their lengthy list of homework.

Ron groaned loudly. "And it looks like it's going to rain." He seemed more upset about that than anything.

"What's that got to do with our homework?" Hermione asked.

Ron seemed embarrassed,"Nothing." Evelyn let out a quiet laugh, for no one but herself. But she wasn't the only one who heard it. Harry had gotten very keen at noticing when Evelyn laughed. He'd kept his new ability to himself. He feared alerting anyone about just how much attention he paid to his friend. 

       Evelyn had to pull Harry out of his thoughts so they could head to detention. It was a quiet walk, as most of their walks alone were. Evelyn held onto her hand the entire walk there. Harry found it strange, but didn't think anything of it. She was holding her hand in dread of their detention. She kept silent due to the moral dilemma she was having. She was aware the pain that would be brought upon the both of them, but she knew she shouldn't tell Harry about it. She didn't mind spilling small details about the future, but this was a little too big of a detail. She felt guilty knowing one of her closest friends was going to get hurt. Their silence was ended once they reached the defense against the dark arts classroom. Evelyn had decided to keep the future to herself, and felt awful about it.

Harry took it upon himself to knock on Umbridge's door. "Come in," Umbridge called from behind the door. Harry entered first in a protective manner, Evelyn following behind. "Good evening, Mr. Potter. Good evening, Ms. Malfoy."

"Good evening, Professor Umbridge." The two said in unison. This seemed to please her. Harry was still standing slightly in front of Evelyn when Umbridge spoke again.

"Well, sit down." She gestured to two small tables, each containing a blank piece of parchment. Evelyn went to sit, but Harry stayed behind. She was confused at why he was still standing until he begun his own conversation with their professor. He was asking for her to rearrange his Friday detention. Evelyn thought that telling him there was no chance of her changing her mind would be enough for him to not ask, but apparently there's only so much a warning can do. Thankfully Harry didn't lash out at her comment about him telling "evil, nasty, attention-seeking stories". He just sat down at his table.

"There, we're getting better at controlling our temper already, aren't we? Now you both are going to be doing some lines for me." Harry went to reach for his quill, while Evelyn stayed still. "No, Mr. Potter, not with your quill. You're going to be using a special one of mine. Here you are" she pulled out two long, thin black quills.

"Mr. Potter, I would like you to write, I must not tell lies. Ms. Malfoy, I would like you to write, I must not be a follower."

"How many times?" Harry asked.

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