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Evelyn watched as Harry quickly wrote on three pieces of paper. Once he was finished he turned to her.

"When am I leaving this place?" He asked her.

"I don't know." She told him.

"You're the seer."

"Yes, but I only see up to a certain point. I didn't even know there was going to be a dementor attack or else I would have brought someone more capable with me."

"About that. Why am I being followed?"

"A dementor attacked you tonight. Imagine what would have already happened if there wasn't anyone tailing you. You'd be dead."

"What's going on with Voldemort?"

"I can't say." She said hoping he'd leave it.

"Let me guess Dumbledore made you swear not to say anything?" He said angrily.

"Harry as much as I want to tell you I can't. You have to trust me that now isn't the time. I don't even know everything."

"I just don't understand why everyone's keeping me in the dark. I was there when it happened."

"Harry more and more owls are being intercepted. It's not safe to just send information out about the Dark Lord."

"Why do you call him that?"

"The Dark Lord?"

"Yeah, only his followers call him that."

"Are you honestly trying to be suspicious of me right now? I grew up in a death eater household. It was always, the Dark Lord this and the Dark Lord that. It's just a habit. You saw me dispel my own brother, my own twin, because he couldn't accept the fact that I will never side with Voldemort."

"I'm sorry. I just am so..."

"Angry? Upset? I get it."

"I just wish someone would tell me what was going on."

"It's hard being in the dark but it's for your own good. Everything will be explained eventually, trust me. I'll be the first to tell you everything I know when the time is right."

"How are you after living with Voldemort Any more visions?" He asked.

"Not since we left Hogwarts. I shut myself inside my room and wouldn't let anyone in. Finally I ran away. You and me are on the top of his most wanted list." They stayed quiet for a while.

"I never realized this, but we forgot your birthday." He told her.

"You know my birthday?" She asked.

"Yeah, June 5th. We didn't even celebrate it. I feel terrible."

"Honestly Harry, I could care less. I hate my birthday."


"I hate being given gifts. I already have so many possessions, I don't need more. Speaking of birthdays, I'm sorry I didn't get you anything on your birthday but I'll make I'll make it up I promise."

"You don't need to get me anything."

"Yes, I do." Just as they were going into a little bicker, Evelyn looked at the time. She needed to head back.

"I have to go. Dumbledore's orders." She said.

"How are you going to get to..." she opened up her bag and pulled her Firebolt out.

"I'll see you soon. Bye Harry." She walked over and hugged her best friend. She opened his window and crawled out, landing on her broom. She looked at him and waved goodbye.

"Bye Evelyn." He said and watched her fly away. He sat there at his window until Evelyn was so far that he couldn't see her any longer.

The trip back to the headquarters took a decent amount of time. Once she got there she heard yelling in the kitchen. She ran in and saw that everyone was upset by something. Once Evelyn was noticed, everyone became quiet.

"Evelyn. Good. What happened tonight?"

"It's my fault. I didn't know it was a Dementor and I can't produce a patronus charm."

"You'll be going to Harry's hearing and pleading for him, correct?"

"I'm not letting Harry get expelled. Now if you'll excuse me I got back from a long trip and have threatened stupid muggles too many times. Goodnight." She said before walking up the stairs to her room. She opened the door to the room and saw Hedwig, Harry's owl on Hermione's arm, pecking her.

"What's going on with Hedwig?"

"Read what Harry sent." Ginny handed her the paper. She read over it.

"That's what he was writing. I told him to wait for answers!"

"Maybe the Dursley's did something once you left and he got even more upset." She suggested.

"What happened tonight?" Ron asked walking in. He bore the same marks as Hermione.

"Fred, George!" She called. They apparated in. She began her story and told them all of what had happened that night with the Dementors.

Sorry for the shorter chapter, but today hasn't been a good day. I had a panic/anxiety attack today in class and I ended up throwing up on myself. I didn't think I was going to throw up or else I would have left the room. Right now my anxiety is raging because I'm terrified of going back to school tomorrow and facing everyone. Also if you didn't notice, I changed the ending of the last chapter so Evelyn didn't talk to Aunt Petunia because I wasn't liking what I had come up with for that scene. Also I would really like to hear your feedback so feel free to comment or message me about the book. And if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you guys.


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