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    Evelyn and Ron stood side by side on the quidditch pitch, both equally anxious. They were both wearing matching tryout gear, Ron's being a bit bulkier seeing as he was wearing keeper gear. The weather seemed to be just perfect. There was a good amount of students and there looked to be almost an even match of keepers and seekers. There was some chatter between everyone until Angelina stepped forward and cleared her throat. It seemed everybody knew not to test her patience.

"All right, we've got two spots open: one keeper one chaser. Pair up and we'll start." Evelyn and Ron both turned and looked at each other at the same time. They both burst into laughter, quickly composed themselves, and began to move in the line of pairs that was forming. They were about fifth in line, giving them plenty of time to prepare and watch their competition.

"Do you think that they're gonna be picking the best pair or like individuals?" Ron asked as they watched the first pair go.

"Hmm, I'm not sure." Evelyn replied.

"I hope they pick in pairs. I can't imagine only one of us gettin picked. Like if I got picked and you didn't, well I don't know how thrilled I'd be to play without you." Ron said. Evelyn was touched. Her and Ron had had such a rocky relationship that him saying something like that made her tear up a bit. "Oh, oh are you crying? Bloody hell I'm sorry, Eve."

Evelyn could only respond by hugging him. She didn't even care what else was going on. She couldn't care less that everyone in line was just staring at the two of them. Ron seemed to be shocked by her action, but eventually wrapped his arms around her. They hugged for a good amount of time before Evelyn pulled away.

"Ron that is the nicest thing you have ever said to me. And I can't imagine making the team without you either." He blushed slightly at the sincerity of her words. The two stood silently as another pair took their turn.

"You know what we should do?" Ron said after a while.

"What?" Evelyn asked.

"We should make a handshake." And so the two spent the rest of their wait trying to create the perfect handshake for each other. Little did they know they had caught the attention of Angelina, who had taken note of them before their turn had even come.

When their time finally came they had in fact perfected their handshake and performed it before hopping on their brooms to their respective sides of the field. Evelyn knew that as much as she needed to be on her a game she had to make sure Ron could still block her throws. Angelina gave the signal and Evelyn raced across the field heading towards Ron. She saw he was positioned in the middle so she decided to lean towards the left side. When Ron realized what side she was heading towards he quickly repositioned and prepared to block her quaffle. Evelyn got closer, still acting as though she was heading left, until she made it almost to the goal and made a sharp change in direction, quickly throwing her quaffle in the the right goal before Ron could realize.

The next round Evelyn decided to not play any fancy moves and just go for the middle goal, to give Ron a chance to show off as well. She darted towards the middle goal, flying as fast as her firebolt would go. She readied her aim and threw towards the middle goal. Ron caught the quaffle before it reached the goal. They went a few more rounds. Some Evelyn won and some Ron won. They worked together to show off their strengths and definitely left an impression. Once they were finished they had to wait for the remaining pairs. The two sat off alone and commented on the remaining pairs. Once every pair had finished, Angelina and the rest of the team stood off alone discussing who made it. Ron and Evelyn became anxious again, anticipating the results. After ten minutes everyone was called together.

"Alright. This decision wasn't easy. Many of you were amazing players, but we only have two spots. Due to their great playing and already established teamwork we're choosing Weasley and Malfoy." The two turned to each other in excitement and hugged.

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