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       Evelyn walked out of the class to see that her friends really did wait for her. They began walking to their potions class and Hermione asked Evelyn why she was held back by their new Professor.

"Professor Rosewood is a member of the order. She could tell I was trying to figure her out during class and thought she'd help me out. I still don't really trust her. There's something off about her." Evelyn explained.

"Does she know about your..." Harry began.

"Yes. Dumbledore told her."

Hermione jumped in. "Maybe it's a good thing to have another order member at Hogwarts. If you ever have a vision in her class she'll know what to do."

Evelyn didn't agree but wasn't about to argue with Hermione. "Maybe." Was how she responded.

A familiar face emerged from around the corner and Evelyn's spirits dropped. Cho Chang addressed Harry, of course. She was unusually alone. Evelyn wished her friends were with her to stop her and Harry from having a conversation. Then Ron interrupted and began to talk about quidditch with Cho. Thank Merlin for Ron being oblivious. Cho walked away after the awkward encounter.

Hermione, of course, wasn't having it. "You are so tactless!"

"What? I only asked her if —"

"Couldn't you tell she wanted to talk to Harry on her own?"

"So? She could've done, I wasn't stopping —"

The fight, of course, continued all the way to the dungeons. For the first time, however, Evelyn found herself on Ron's side. She didn't like the soft look on Harry's face. She could tell he was thinking about Cho. She needed to snap out of it. Harry was one of her closest friends. She could not continue to have feelings for him, it would just make things worse. When the door to the potions room opened the four fled to the table in the back that they usually sat at. Harry sat in between Ron and Hermione as usual. Evelyn opted to sit next to Ron over Hermione.

Evelyn leaned into him a bit. "Hey, you wanna practice together before quidditch tryouts?"

"You're trying out? What position?" He was shocked and slightly threatened.

"Chaser. You're going for keeper, right?"

Ron relaxed a bit. "Yeah. Practice sounds good." She nodded.

"Settle down." Snape said as he loudly shut the door.

"Before we begin today's lesson, I think it appropriate to remind you that next June you will be sitting and important examination, during which you will prove how much you have learned about the composition and use of magical potions. Moronic though some of this class undoubtedly are, I expect you to scrape and 'acceptable' in your O.W.L., or suffer my...displeasure." His gaze lingered on Neville and Evelyn rolled her eyes. She thought it highly inappropriate that he relentlessly bullied her friends.

"After this year, of course, many of you will cease studying with me. I only take the very best into my N.E.W.T. Potions class, which means that some of us will certainly say good-bye." His next sneer was directed towards Harry.

Snape went on with his monologue before announcing the assignment. They had an hour and a half to brew a Draught of Peace. Evelyn got to work immediately. She took her time and made sure to carefully add in the ingredients. She did her best to aid her friends while brewing her potion. With a little less than thirty minutes left, her Draught of Peace had a light silver vapor rising from it. She looked around for Snape and quickly made her way to Neville's table to help him as best as she could. By the ten minute mark his had a grey mist rising, which was better than nothing. Evelyn quickly went back to her own Draught right before Snape came by. Hermione's mirrored her's. Her other friends did not have as much luck. While Snape was busy with Neville, Evelyn grabbed a flagon and bottled some of Harry's potion.

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