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Evelyn was sitting in front of Hermione at the breakfast table discussing the Yule Ball. She had sent a letter to her mother asking for a dress. and was still awaiting the dress. It was two days until Christmas, which was when the Yule Ball was.

"Eve I'm sure it will come today." Hermione reassured her.

"I'm just scared of what it'll look like. With my mother, you never know. I could have some bring simple and elegant or the biggest ball gown you could imagine."

"Well, there's an owl carrying a bigger parcel."

"That's William, one of my family's owls. He can carry the most amount of wait." The black owl landed carefully in front of Evelyn. She un did the parcel and fed the owl some bread before he started his journey back to Malfoy Manor. Evelyn and Hermione went up to their dorm room.

"I'm scared to open it."

"Just do it. I bet you'll love it."

"Okay." Evelyn opened the parcel carefully and opened the box. Inside was a beautiful peach colored dress that had a light pink flowers at the waist and neck line.

"Your mother didn't do good. She did great! That's beautiful Evelyn."

"I've never liked a dress she picked out more." The two girls sat and talked for a bit more.

"I just can't believe that Ron would say something like that to you." Evelyn told Hermione.

"He doesn't ever consider that I'm a human with feelings. I can't believe that it took him this long to notice that I was a girl. And then he says I'm lying about having a date! Oh he'll be so surprised when he sees me with Viktor."

"I can't wait to see the look on his face. It'll be so much justice for you. And you're going to look gorgeous of course."

"Probably not."

"Hermione you will. You always do. You're a such a beautiful person, inside and out."

"Thank you. Ron truly is wrong about you. You're one of the sweetest people I've ever met."

The two girls spent the day talking to each other and bonding. Never could Evelyn imagine having a friend like Hermione. Ever since she met Hermione she had wanted to befriend her. Evelyn saw how smart and talented she was and then watched as she became friends with Ron and Harry. Evelyn would never say out loud, but she always wanted to be apart of the three's friendship. She felt like maybe now, she was slowly becoming close with Harry and Hermione. Maybe soon, she could be in their little group. Just maybe.

Evelyn woke up to Hermione shaking her. "Eve wake up! It's Christmas!" She slowly opened her eyes and saw Hermione sitting on her bed.

"Happy Christmas Hermione."

"Happy Christmas."

"Miss Malfoy!" Evelyn looked and saw Dobby run in the room. He hugged her and she hugged him back.

"Dobby wanted to visit Miss Malfoy and give her a present. Now that Dobby has wages he can give back to Miss Malfoy."

Evelyn recalled the years where she and Dobby would spend Christmas together. Evelyn always made Dobby a nice blanket every year. She had remembered to make one again this year. She went to her trunk and pulled the blanket out.

"I made you a Hogwarts blanket since you work here now." Dobby began to cry.

"Thank you miss, Dobby has a present for you." He gave her a pair of socks. One was red and had what looked to be a dragon and the other green with a number one. It looked as though he had made them himself.

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