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It felt nice to talk to Jasmine and Diane. Evelyn missed talking to them. A summer without them had been too long.

"So, what are your plans for this school year?" Diane asked.

"I don't really know. Probably talking to Seamus more." Jasmine said.

"I'm trying out for Gryffindor's Quidditch team." Evelyn said.


"Yeah. I think I'd make a pretty good chaser." She said.

"You'd make a great chaser! You out flew a dragon last year!" Jasmine exclaimed.

"Thanks." She laughed. The door to their compartment opened and Evelyn looked up.


"What do you want, Draco?" She sneered.

"Can we talk? Alone?" She got up.

"I'll be back." She told her friends. They nodded and she followed her brother. He went inside the bathroom and she went in after.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She said rudely.

"Evie, I know we had a falling out, but I was extremely worried when you left."

"You should have been worried when I was there! Do you even realize why Voldemort wants me as a death eater? He wants to use me for these awful visions I now get."


"Yeah, a gift from the dark lord the night he returned. They allow me to see a large chunk of the future, a month or two. They're extremely painful and come once everything in the last vision has been done."


"Terrible? Yeah. I know."

"Evie, please, can we stop this? We're on different sides, but we're twins. I need you in my life. Please." She nodded and they hugged.

"Why were you wandering the halls?"

"I'm a prefect." He said and showed off his badge.

"Congrats, Draco. I'm happy for you." They walked back to her compartment.

"I'll see you later. Bye, Evie."

"Bye, Draco." She opened the door and sat with her friends.

"Are you and Draco good?" Diane asked.

"Yeah, we're good." She smiled.

"That's good cause Diane has a thing for Draco."



"He's kinda attractive. That's all I said!" Evelyn just laughed.

After more catching up and eating lots of candy, though Diane ate the most, Evelyn saw Hogwarts come into view. She smiled. The girls were in the back of the train so they got out last. They ended up being the last ones to get in a carriage. One thing stood out to Evelyn. The carriages now had a horse like creature pulling it.

"Do you guys see that?" She asked.

"See what?" Jasmine asked.

"The thing drawing the carriage. It's right there, I don't..."

"They're pulling themselves, like usual."

"No, it's not." Evelyn said. The girls brushed it off, but Evelyn needed to know what this was.

The Mute MalfoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang