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Evelyn felt herself fall to the ground and looked up at the crowd. She saw people chanting until they realized what was going on. Screams arose and Evelyn saw Harry lying on the floor with his eyes closed. He seemed to be in a trance.

"Evelyn are you..."

"No, no, no, no..." She kept mumbling.

"Harry! Harry!" Dumbledore kneeled by Harry. His eyes opened.
"He's back. He's back. Voldemort." Harry whispered. Evelyn kept mumbling no as it was all she could do.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"My god - Diggory! Dumbledore - he's dead!" The minister said. She watched as Dumbledore pried Harry off of Cedric and lifted him up. She sat on the ground. She watched and Mad Eye Moody took Harry from the field. Evelyn realized what was going on and jumped to her feet. Dumbledore was in the middle of informing Cedric's parents of his death.

"Professor Dumbledore! Professor!" She ran to him.

"Professor, Harry's in trouble. Professor Moody took him, and I'm afraid Professor Moody isn't the real Moody."

"How so?"

"He's the man in the drawing who put mine and Harry's names in the cup. He's working for Voldemort." Dumbledore quickly told the Diggory's that he had to go and quickly made his way to the teachers.

"Severus, Minerva, I need you to come with me. Hagrid, please escort Miss Malfoy to the Hospital wing." The two teachers and the headmaster quickly headed to the castle. Hagrid led her to the hospital wing in silence, knowing she wasn't ready to talk about it. Madame Pomfrey rushed her into a hospital bed and asked her questions about her health.

"Is there anything hurting dear?" She asked her. Evelyn shook her head. Then Professor Snape walked in and informed her of Alastor Moody being in need of her assistance.

"Miss Malfoy, Dumbledore would like to see you in his office as soon as possible." The professor told him.

"Well, everything is looking fine with you. If anything happens come back and let me take a look. You're free to go." She nodded and made her way to Dumbledore's office. The stone gargoyle opened for her without even hearing a password. She walked in and heard Dumbledore talking of the events. When she reached his office she saw Harry, Dumbledore, and Sirius.

"Evelyn, Harry, I need to know what happened after you touched the port key in the maze." He told them.

"We can leave that till morning, can't we, Dumbledore? Let them have a sleep. Let them rest." Sirius said putting his one of his hands on each of their shoulders. Evelyn would have appreciated the rest, but she felt as though she wouldn't be able to sleep until someone knew what had happened. Luckily, Dumbledore thought the same.

Harry and Evelyn went on to tell the details of what had happened. When Harry would speak of something, Sirius would often try and make a comment, but Dumbledore stopped him. He was furious when he learned of what Wormtail had done to Harry. Evelyn waited until her bit came. Harry spoke of how he rose and went to Evelyn. He looked at her.

"He came to me, expecting me to be a new follower. He scolded my father for killing me for fun. He said I was the key to his success, that all I needed was a push. He raised his wand to my temple and pain was inflicted on me, and I saw the future. I saw Harry dueling, I saw us returning, and I saw the identity of Professor Moody. Before I could see more, Harry coaxed me out of the vision. Voldemort expected me to fall into servitude and tell him what I saw, but I refused. He cast the cruciatus curse and I did not even flinch as I felt it. He pushed me to my father and began dueling with Harry." Harry continued on, choking up when he explained that his parents had appeared from Voldemort's wand. The went on to discuss what had happened.

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