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Evelyn didn't even pay attention to any of the teacher's speeches. She didn't even pay attention to the steak on her plate. She was too into her head. It wasn't good. She bounced around from ways to keep her visions on the down low to what the weird creatures that pulled the carriage were. She'd have to go see Dumbledore tonight regarding the visions. Maybe she could ask him about the creatures. No, that would just be silly. She wouldn't bother him with her hallucinations.

"Evelyn!" Harry yelled. Evelyn's eyes darted to her friend. "Are you okay?"

"Sorry, just daydreaming." She said getting up after she realized everyone was leaving.

"So about your, um..."

"Visions. Nobody is going to pay attention to our conversation. You can say it."

"Okay. About your visions, what do we do about them?"

"I'm going to talk to Dumbledore later tonight. I might have an idea." She said. He nodded and they made their way to their common room.

Finally the two were standing in front of the familiar painting. They turned to each other after a minute of standing there. Neither of them knew the password as both were preoccupied when it came to learning it.

"No password, no entrance." The fat lady said.

"Harry, Evelyn, I know it!" They turned and saw Neville run up. "Guess what it is? I'm actually going to be able to remember it for once -" he waves around the plant in his arms. "Mimbulus mimbletonia!"

"Correct." The Fat Lady said. Her portrait swung open and the kids walked inside. Once inside Evelyn bid goodbye to her friends and walked up the stairs to her room.

She opened the door and found it empty. None of the girls she was sharing a room with had made it yet. She sat down on one of the beds and took her purse off. She'd wait to unpack. It was strange no one else was in here. She checked the time and put her purse back on and headed towards Dumbledore's office. There was still an hour until curfew. She was happily met by the professor outside his office.

"Evelyn. What a delightful surprise." He said, smiling at her. "Follow me." She followed him into the familiar looking office.

"Now, to what do I owe your pleasure?" He said walking to his desk.

"It's about my visions, Professor." He stopped in his tracks and turned. The professor quickly sat down and gestured for Evelyn to sit as well. She did.

"It seems as though I'm starting this year blind. Everything that happened in my last vision has ended. That means that at any point I could have a vision. I've been thinking of what to do in that situation."

"I have as well. Let me hear what you have to say."

"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We lie and say I'm suffering from that after Cedric's death. My visions can be played off as panic attacks. These types of things aren't as common in the wizarding world so few would question it. And because Harry is the only one to help me end a vision, I need to have every class with him. I need to be around him as much as possible incase of an emergency."

"I like it. It very well thought of. I'll make sure the two of you have every class. I'll also informs all the teachers of your condition. I'll designate Harry to be the one to take you to Madame Pomfrey's. All but members of the order will know of our cover." The professor explained. "You will not be staying in the same room you usually stay in. I've placed you and Hermione alone together. She will be there to get Harry if something happens at night. The walls are also charmed so no one will hear anything from the outside. I suggest any conversations that are meant to be private should be had in there."

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