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Hogwarts had been peaceful ever since the second task. Evelyn was able to relax and focus on her school work instead of a bloody task. One morning, as Evelyn was sitting with Harry, Hermione, and Ron, A brown owl flew in towards Harry. Harry took the letter and the owl flew away.

"Harry, I thought your owl was white." Evelyn said.

"Yeah, Hedwig's white. That was a school owl."

"It's from Sirius." Hermione said whispering his name.

"I use the school owls that way the ministry has no clue I'm in contact with him." Harry told her as he began to read the letter aloud.

Be stile at the end of the road out of Hogsmeade (past Dervish and Banges) at two o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Bring as much food as you can

"He hasn't come back to Hogsmeade? Ron asked.

"It looks like it, doesn't it." Hermione replied.

"I can't believe him. If he's caught..."

"Relax Harry. He's gone on this long without being caught. And on the brightside, there are no dementors to catch him anymore." Evelyn told him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

The day's flew by and soon enough it was Saturday. The week had been very stressful though, as an article was written about the group. The article went on talking about the secret romances between Harry, Hermione, Evelyn, and Viktor Krum. To simplify the article, Hermione was placing a love potion on both Harry and Krum, while Harry's heart truly belonged to Evelyn.

The four students headed to Hogsmeade together. Evelyn had gotten the food Sirius had requested. She was very excited. She had spoken to Sirius before, but she was to meet him for the first time. She had never met a family member who was like her. All of them were stuck up purebloods.

Harry insisted on going to Gladrags Wizardwear to pick out socks for Dobby. He had previously explained to his friends how Dobby had helped him in the second task. Evelyn was the first one to agree to go, as she wanted to thank Dobby for helping her get the food for Sirius. They found many socks, all horrible to them, but they knew Dobby would love them.

Finally, when it was almost two o'clock, the group headed up the road to Dervish and Banges and towards the edge of the village. Soon enough they saw a black dog with matted fur. Harry, Ron, and Hermione instantly knew who the dog was. Evelyn did not know of the dog until Harry spoke.

"Hello Sirius." He told the dog.

The dog lead them to the mountain and up the side of it. They climbed for around an hour and a half before the dog disappeared. They found a cave that the dog had gone in. Once reaching the inside, they found BuckBeak the Hippogriff tied by a rope. The four bowed to him, and he soon bowed back. The girls went up to pet him as Harry's eyes landed on his god father.

Evelyn saw this and opened her bag, pulling the food out. There was so much, that Harry had to help and hold some. They handed it all to Sirius.

"Thanks." Sirius went on to explain his current situation living in the mountain near Hogsmeade.

"You must be Evelyn Malfoy. Nice to meet you, cousin." She stood and smiled.

"Wait, you're related?" Harry asked.

"First cousins once removed." Evelyn told the boy.

Their conversation moved to the topic of Barty Crouch and his son. They learned Crouch was a ruthless Auror, and that he was also a shoe in for Minister of Magic. It wasn't until his son was caught with a group of death eaters that he had lost the people. The boy was sent to Azkaban and died there.

The subject of Snape and Karkaroff came up as well. Hermione and Ron began to argue about whether or not Snape could be trusted. The argument was finally stopped by Sirius who told them that both of them could be right.

"What's the time?"

"It's half past three." Hermione responded

"You better get back to school." Sirius told them.

"Now listen, I don't want you lot sneaking out to see me, alright? Just send notes here. I still want to hear about anything odd. But you're not to go leaving Hogwarts without permission; it'd be an ideal opportunity to attack you." Sirius told them.

"No one's tried to attack me so far, except for a dragon and a couple of grindylows." Harry told Sirius.

"I don't care...I'll breathe freely again when this tournament's over, and that's not til June. And don't forget, if you're talking about me amongst yourselves, call me Snuffles, okay?" They all agreed and Sirius walked them down to the edge of the village before running off.

On the way back to Hogwarts Ron brought up his brother, Percy, who was Mr. Crouch's assistant. Ron had decided to owl him, and ask about Mr. Crouch. Evelyn eventually split from them, heading to her dorm to relax and enjoy the peacefulness of winter.

So this chapter is being posted for a few reasons. One, I'm hoping it'll make me write the rest of the fourth year and wrap it up. Two, I want to announce that I will be writing a Percy Jackson series. It will be called the Claimed series, and the first book happens to be called Claimed. I'm hoping to have it up by next Friday because I want to finish the last two book of the series before I write it. Three, I want to thank you all once again. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't continue writing this story. I absolutely love all the positive feedback and support I get from you guys. So thank you for that and I hope you enjoyed this extra little chapter!


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