Jaime Lannister X Tyrell!Reader - Knight in Shining Armour

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You watched from a distance as Jaime Lannister attempted to battle with Bronn in the clearing over looking the sea. You hadn't intended to pry, coming out to watch the ships that sailed to and from King's Landing as you often did, but when you had reached your destination they had caught your attention. 

Ser Jaime was on his back on the floor, Bronn pointing his sword down at his throat. You were shocked to say the least, but you quickly settled when Bronn had removed his sword and pulled Jaime back to his feet, both going back into a fighting stance opposite one another.

After a few moments of watching, Bronn caught sight of you standing away to the side watching him and he looked directly at you causing you to become flustered and turn away, looking out to the sea.

"This is a private training session, My Lady," he called out to you and you rushed out a quick and quiet apology before turning on your heel to leave.

"Oh, don't be so rude, Bronn, we would be honoured if you were to stay, My Lady," Jaime grinned as you paused in your journey, doing a little jog to catch up to you and taking your arm to bring you closer to where they were battling. He then released you, leaving you alone as he went back to his fighting.

Ser Jaime seemed to improve significantly with you watching him, he began to show boat, when he would win he would come and celebrate in your direction like a child, making you laugh and smile. When they would pause, you would watch the ships as you had intended.

"My Lady, we are finished for the day," Jaime called out, pulling you out of your thoughts of the far off lands the ships would be voyaging to. "Would you care to walk with me back to the red keep, Lady Tyrell?" You nodded, taking his arm again to be led into the gardens of the palace.

As you walked, you talked of your sisters marriage to his nephew. "until my Nephew became King, we were to be wed, but now that your sister is to be married into my family, your Father has decided it is not needed," he told you, watching as your brow furrowed in confusion.

You had never been told of this arrangement and you were rather saddened. Jaime was one of the most handsome men in all Seven Kingdoms and you would have been his wife, but now there were rumours that your would marry you to Gregor Clegane. A man you were not too fond of after his behaviour at the hands tourney, a year before.

It seemed Jaime was not pleased either, "I will not let you marry 'The Mountain'," he told you as we drew to a stop. "He is not a good man, he will not do right by you," he added as he took your hands in his. "I will talk to your Father, I can't allow you to be harmed," he finished.

"It won't work, My Lord. My father is beyond reason, especially when it comes to gaining some power for our house, and he is under the impression that the Clegane's are powerful enough to be worthy of me," you sighed, resigned to your fate at Clegane Hall.

"You will marry me, My Lady. I will see to it that you are safe. I'm sure your father will listen to mine, and Tywin is quite desperate for me to take my place as lord of Casterly Rock," he smiled down at me. "We shall run it together, My Lady."

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