Ramsay Bolton X Reader - Lady Bolton

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To many, he was a sadistic murderer, what with his dogs and his bow and arrow, taking the lives of those who crossed him and skinning others alive for all to see. But being Lord Bolton's wife was not all death and gore, though that was a large part of it. He really could be a sweetheart when he wanted to be and for you he seemed to want to be.

He had been on a month and a half long journey, having left just three months after your wedding, which took him to visit the Frey's at the Twins as a way to honour the death of old Walder. He had been a close ally to the Boltons, and you had wanted to keep it that way. So, off went Ramsay to meet with the family. 

He had returned late one night, waking you as he entered your shared bedchambers, trying to remain quiet to avoid startling you as you slept. As he undressed, he knocked into a chair in the corner of the room, sending it to the ground with a clatter and causing you to shoot up in your bed, a dagger in you hand pointed towards him.

It took you a moment to realise it was Ramsay, and when you did you threw the dagger to the floor and jumped from the bed to run into his arms. He held you tight, resting his head on top of yours and apologising for waking you at such a ridiculous hour. You twisted out of his grip looking up at him with a smile.

"I have news, My Lord," you grinned, making him tilt his head in confusion as he looked down at your pretty little face. It was unusual for two high-born people to marry for love rather than power, but you had after having met at a feast. He thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever met and you thought him charming and handsome. Upon returning home, you had begged your father to allow your engagement to Ramsay and he had asked his own father, eventually both men caved, allowing the marriage, though your own father had been worried about the rumours surrounding the Boltons.

"Tell me," he said pulling you back into him, he had missed you dearly when he was gone and he was desperate to hold you close now that he was back with you.

"I was talking with Maester Wolken yesterday morning. He believes I am with child," Ramsay hugged you tighter and pressed his lips to your forehead, you could feel him smiling as you wrapped yourself around him, allowing him to be happy in silence.

"How long?" he asked, pulling away and placing his hands on your still flat stomach as he sank to his knees in front of you, looking up into your eyes.

"Almost two months, My Lord," you smiled down at him as you ran your hands through his soft hair.

He climbed back to his feet, letting your arms rest around his neck again as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, and then another to your forehead. "I love you, Lady Bolton," he grinned before pressing another kiss to your lips.

"And I love you, Lord Bolton," you responded before pulling away from him and climbing back into your bed with him by your side once more.

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