Sandor Clegane X Reader - Songbird: Part 3

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Soon after the events at the tavern you had lost your job, according to your boss killing someone on the premises was highly frowned upon, despite the fact that he was trying to harm you. After losing your job you found yourself spending more time with Sandor, who was furious when you explained to him why you had so much free time all of a sudden.

"He cannot fire you for stopping yourself from being murdered, heavens know what he would have done to you if you hadn't stopped him," he ranted and you found yourself smiling up at him. "I should go and give him a piece of my mind," he growled again, pacing back and forth in his chambers.

"Sandor, it's okay, i'm sure I can find work elsewhere, there are plenty of Taverns in King's Landing that I could work at" you told him, standing in his way to stop his pacing and placing one hand on his arm gently, giving him a small smile to show him you meant it.

"But you loved it there, you were always so happy" he grunted allowing himself to relax into your touch.

"The tavern wasn't what made me happy, it was my friends and family, and I shall stay friends with the people there," you told him but his face remained stony and annoyed. "Besides, i'm happy enough that I get to spend time with you, no work will change that," you added causing him to allow himself a small smirk as he looked down at you.

"That is very sweet, but you are far to beautiful to be made happy by a man like me," he told you, his smile faltering slightly as you reached up to run a hand over his scarred cheek.

"I happen to think you are an amazing, brave, handsome man, who hidden beneath all of this gruff grumpiness cares so much about my happiness and safety that you would risk losing your own job just to make sure I was okay" you told him with a small smile. "If that isn't deserving of my affection i'm not sure anything is," you informed him, your hand still resting against his face as he slowly pulled you in to join his lips to yours softly. You were the first one to pull away from the kiss as you beamed up at him.

"You are perfect, my little song bird," he told you as he pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, allowing him to see your face fully, his lips turning up into a smile.

"As are you, my handsome guard" you told him, moving your hands down to rest against his chest as you leant into his light embrace.

*Time Skip*

"You do know that when we marry it will be frowned upon for you to work?" Sandor asked from his spot on your shared bed as you dressed. You chuckled at him, coming to stand between his knees at the foot of the bed, looking down at his face, his eyes squeezed shut.

"Since when did you care about what people frowned upon, you are marrying a barmaid. I'm no highborn lady, and from what I hear people frown upon a Lord not marrying someone of his own social standing," you told him, pulling at his arms so he would sit up to kiss you. "And it is frowned upon to bed your partner before marriage but I don't see that stopping us," you smirked before placing a hasty kiss to his lips.

"You shall be the death of me, Songbird," he told you as he pulled you back towards him for another kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist lightly so that you couldn't move away again.

You finally pulled away when you remembered you had to get to work, "I have to go," you told him as he groaned at your separation. "When we are wed I will consider giving up work," you spoke, "but until you make an honest woman of me, I will be paying my own keep," you finished with a small smile.

"And then I will spend every spare moment I get kissing you," he told you with a large toothy grin.

"That you will, My Love," you gave him a final kiss before heading out the door with a smile on your face.

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