Ramsay Bolton/Jon Snow X Reader - Smooth Talker (Requested)

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The first time you met Jon Snow, you were in your husband's presence. Sitting atop your horse, you stared over at the bastard and his half-sister, a frown etched onto his face. His perfect, stupid face.

Ramsay was too busy gloating to see the way you watched the new man. He was going on and on about how he had captured Rickon and you couldn't help but frown at the guilt that was pulling at your chest. Winterfell was their home and you were holding their little brother hostage in order to keep it from them.

Once the battle was decided, you gave them a small nod. A silent apology for your husband's behaviour towards their family, before turning and riding away with Ramsay close on your tail.

"They don't have enough men to raid a farm, let alone a place as big as Winterfell," Ramsay teased as you rode back towards the castle and you shook your head.

"You know," you muttered aloud. "You shouldn't underestimate them. You have their brother, they would do anything for him," you told him and his smile dropped from his face as you locked eyes with him.

"Don't tell me what to do. It won't end well for you," he growled back, kicking his horse so that it surged forwards, away from you.

*Time Skip*

Once you had returned to the castle, you were approached by a handmaid. She smiled at you sweetly and you nodded as she spoke. "Lord Ramsay would like to speak with you in your chambers, M'lady," she told you.

"Thank you. That'll be all," you answered before heading off to meet him. You knew he would be in a foul mood; he would force you to do things you didn't want to do. All because of your comment on the ride back to Winterfell.

When you pushed the door open, you found Ramsay lying naked on the bed. His chest was rising and falling quickly and you were certain of his anger towards you as soon as you squeezed through the gap in the door.

"My love, are you ready for your punishment?" he spoke without opening his eyes.

"Yes, My lord," you mumbled back, making your way towards him. You had learnt early in your marriage that the only way to survive Ramsay was to do as you were told, as soon as you were told to do it.

"That's my girl," he muttered sitting up with a wide grin and staring at you. "Take off your clothes," he added and you did as you were told.

*Time Skip*

The next morning, you woke up to an otherwise empty bed. You were sure you had overslept after having not slept all night. You could never sleep when Ramsay had his arm draped over your body, it made you feel dirty. You quickly rolled out of the bed, wrapping yourself in a robe before moving over to look out of the windows.

Once you had the shutters open, you saw the two armies. You could see Ramsay sitting atop his horse at the front of his troops, with Rickon tied at his side.

On the other side, you could see Jon Snow, with his army of wildlings and the men of the wall. It was worryingly smaller than Ramsay's army and you found yourself scared for the man you didn't know, hoping for his survival.

And then Rickon was running, as fast as he could, towards Jon. When you saw the first arrow hit the ground, you gasped, turning away from the window, but the need to know overtook you and you soon turned back to watch. When you did, you saw Jon riding towards him, but it was too late, as he reached his little brother an arrow pierced through the young boy, sending him careening to the floor.

A gasp escaped you, tears pricking at your eyes as you stared on in horror. Ramsay had murdered a child, a boy innocent of any crimes other than being born to the wrong family. 

*Time Skip*

You stood at the window of your chambers for hours, watching as your men were cut down and silently hoping that they would lose the battle. You were shocked when you saw Ramsay turn tail and head back into the castle, quickly wrapping your robe tighter around your body and leaving the confines of your chambers.

As you reached the courtyard, your personal guard following close behind, you saw Ramsay stalking around, the sound of something pounding against the wooden gate ringing in your ears.

"What are you doing here? Go back to your chambers," Ramsay hissed at you with a glare and you shook your head.

"You left our men out there to die," you cried out at him in disbelief as he stormed towards you, his hand making contact with your cheek sharply, bringing tears to your eyes.

"Take her back inside," he growled, shoving you away from him as you lifted a hand to gently touch your stinging cheek. "Keep Lady Bolton safe," Ramsay added, glancing over at your guard for a moment. The man did as he was told, grabbing you and dragging you out of the courtyard as you yelled, striking at him with your fists as you attempted to wriggle out of his grip.

You stilled when you heard the gate collapse outside, your body hitting the stone floor as the guard dropped you. "If you don't want protecting then there's no point in me trying," he spat as he dashed away down the hall, leaving you sprawled across the tiles.

You were crying when the first of Jon's men found you, huddled up in the corner of the hall, as small as you could make yourself. The large ginger man towered over you, his sword grasped tightly in his hand.

You recognised him in spite of the blood covering his face, he was one of the men who had come with Jon to the meeting. Tormund Giantsbane.

"Lady Bolton. Jon told me I was to bring you safely to him once the battle is over," he told you, reaching a hand out to help you to your feet.

You walked with him into the courtyard, remaining silent as you steppe out, watching as Jon beat the shit out of your husband.

Tormund quickly cleared his throat, causing Jon to look up at you, awkwardly climbing off of your husband's shaking body.

"Don't stop on my account. He deserves every strike you give him," you muttered out, locking your eyes with his.

"Traitorous bitch," Ramsay hissed from his place on the floor, his blood covering the dirt floor you stood on. As he went to continue speaking, Jon gave him a swift kick to the ribs, leaving him silent.

"I'm sorry about that, My Lady," he mumbled awkwardly as his men began to scoop your husband off of the floor.

"It's not a problem," you nodded back before turning to the men. "Leave him in the kennels, he loves being with the Hounds," you added with a small smile.

"He'll have to be punished for his crimes," Jon spoke to you, softly steering you inside of his old home.

"Please just kill him and get it over with," you rushed out, covering your mouth in surprise at your own comment. "I'm sorry, but I'm not too honourable to tell you that I would rather be a widow than remain married to Ramsay Bolton," you added, straightening up your posture.

"I understand, My Lady," he mumbled back to you, his eyes remaining on the stone floors of the halls.

"I'm glad you agree," you muttered, looking over at him with a small frown. "He was an abusive cunt," you sighed out, smoothing down your dress gently as Jon let out a shocked breath at your language. "And I want to thank you for ridding me of him," you finished, pausing your walk to draw his attention back to you.

"There's no need for thanks; your safety is enough," Jon murmured quietly causing you to laugh lightly.

"You're a smooth talker, Snow. Did you know that?" you asked him, finally happy for the first time in a long while when he gave you a grin and a small shrug.

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