Rhaegar Targaryen X Arryn!Reader - Birth (Requested)

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A/N- for this to work Roberts rebellion did not succeed and the Mad king is still alive, however Elia and her children were still murdered by Gregor Clegane.

Your husband could be a sullen man, and you hardly spoke with him, often only seeing each other during meals or when he was trying to put a baby in your belly. Of course, Rhaegar had his reasons, his wife and children had been slaughtered during the rebellion, by the people who were fighting alongside your brother. You tried to be understanding but it had been over a year since he had lost them and you were starting to feel slightly neglected.

Your house had fought against his during the rebellion and your brother Jon had been forced to marry one of his family into the Targaryen one. He had told you he would refuse and suffer the consequences, but his wife Lysa was pregnant and you knew you had to protect your brother's family by going through with the wedding, no matter how miserable it would make you. The Arryn name had to continue, and he had to be the one to carry it on.

But living with Rhaegar wasn't all bad, he let you spend time by yourself, rather than forcing you to spend time with him or the other lords and ladies of his house. You had always hated talking with other ladies, they all seemed so boring and well-behaved, something you had always aimed not to be.

"Lady Y/N?" Rhaegar asked from the doorway of your chamber. You quickly turned your head to look at him from the desk you were sitting at, placing your book down on the surface to mark your place and raising your eyebrows in question. "The Maester tells me you visited him this morning, he said that you thought you could be with child, is this true?" he seemed quiet and nervous as he asked you and you nodded in his direction causing a small smile to grace his lips.

"I haven't bled for two months," you uttered softly, watching as his face grow even happier, "So I believe I could be with child, and the Maester seems to agree," you added as he came closer, pulling you into a light hug as you chuckled at his sudden affection towards you.

*Time Skip*

You were very close to the end of the pregnancy now, your belly was swollen and uncomfortable, making it hard for you to even stand up on your own. You had found yourself spending a lot of the pregnancy in bed with Rhaegar or you chambermaids catering to your every whim. Your husband had even started to sleep with his arm around you, his hand placed against your stomach as if to reassure you of his presence behind you.

One evening, he had helped you down into the main hall, where his Father was holding a name day celebration for Rhaegar's younger brother Viserys. You had never been overly keen on the boy, he could be cruel to his sister Daenerys and you were waiting for her to grow strong enough to treat him the same way and teach him a lesson. You were sitting at the table, Rhaegar close at your side, watching as people celebrated around you, when your belly began to ache, you groaned, gripping Rhaegar's hand as you tried to rise to your feet. 

"Is everything okay?" he asked you as he leant close to try and soothe you.

"I think the baby's coming," you groaned at him and his eyes went wide, helping you to your feet as he quickly called out for the Maester, who rushed over to help you. Everyone had gone silent and you could tell they were all watching the small scene unfolding in front of them as you cried out in pain.

The two men quickly helped you into your chambers, allowing you to collapse into the bed as you panted. Rhaegar came to hold your hand as you called out for him, tears welling in your eyes as the maester helped you to deliver your baby. Once the baby was delivered, the two men started to relax only for the quiet to be broken again by your cries.

"There is another baby, My Lady," the Maester spoke to you as Rhaegar held your hand, his eyes wide as he watched the first baby being passed to a chambermaid, who swaddled it quickly and moved to the other side of the room to lay them down.

As you screamed, the Maester exclaimed again, holding up the baby to the chambermaid, who came to take it, only to be interrupted by more crying and screaming from you. "Unbelievable," the Maester spoke as he moved back over to you. "There is a third baby," he added and your grip on Rhaegar's hand tightened.

"I can't do it," you cried out, pulling him closer to you as he glanced at your face. His face softened at the tears running down your cheeks, and he quickly kissed your forehead, hand stroking at your cheek.

"You are a Targaryen," he uttered softly, his gentle caress calming you slightly as you took deep breaths. "You can do anything, for your family and for me," he told you as he soothed your sweat dampened hair back out of your face. You nodded slightly as you began to push again, squeezing his hand tightly in yours, your nails digging in, almost drawing blood as you cried out in pain.

*Time Skip*

Soon you were lying in the bed, one of your newborns cradled in your arms, the other two cuddled into Rhaegar's chest, where he sat in the seat beside you. To have twins and survive the birth was unlikely, but living through triplets was unheard of. A miracle by all standards. 

"What will you name them?" Rhaegar asked you as he cooed down at the two girls in his arms, smiling as they gurgled back at him. You looked down at your son, thinking as he slept soundly.

"Daeron?" you asked him finally breaking your eyes from the silver haired boy in your arms to look over at your husband and he smiled softly.

"If we are naming them after family, then one of the girls should be Alys, for your sister," he told you still smiling down at his two daughters.

"And Rhaella," you finally spoke again and he looked up at you with a smile on his lips.

"Daeron, Alys and Rhaella. They are beautiful names, My Love," he murmured as he placed the girls into your arms, looking down at his little family. "I love you," he spoke again, this time matter of factly, as he leant down to gently press his lips to yours.

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